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found old tin pellets in the shed

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my dad rang me saying ive got some of your pellets here i said i have not left any he said no ,there from when you were 16 .. thought blimey went had look .

accu pells .22 5.5mm order number 11243 ...

going to try them in my s10 bullbarrel

remember as a lad i had a lightining and it loved them ....

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l checked my scope zero with airarms fields had to adjust slightly


























then tryed accu pells but i have to aim for next mill dot up so aim lower to hit target was slightly windy from left

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back in the day .. my old hw80 and hw77 loved marksmen. :clapper: i did some real good shot's with em 'n' all. i shot a teal at around 70 yard's with my hw80 marksman combo. fluke shot maybe but i aimed, connected and flattened it. i also did a lot' o 'damage on the feral pigeon's with the hw77 marksman set up knockin em down at 40 to 50 yard's all day long .chest shot's dead on impact :gunsmilie: until the hw77 turned on me and took half me thumb off. :icon_eek: it now resides at the bottom of the river tees.. :clapper::victory: if that hadnt happened i'd a still been using it now :wallbash:

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Does anyone remember sabo bullets?They used to come in two pieces and you had to assemble them yourself and then load with a special tube.Used these in a mates vulcan and from a 20 yard zero there was hardley any drop at 40 yards.Deadly but bloody expensive and fiddly

bought 2 air pistols off old teacher when was younger had a tin of those with them,didnt they ban them?

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