borderland 0 Posted August 27, 2008 Report Share Posted August 27, 2008 the bloods ther the drives ther its you only chance you know whats in him i would use him Holy god not a bit of wonder the dog market is full of rubbish with statements like that. Its a fu**ing PET. if you had the choice what would you breed from. A a well bred but untried ( pet ) or B a good worker with unknown pedigree ??????????????? are you serious??? holy fcuk this thread is seriously finding a few interweb hunters! lol Workerxworker every time of course i'm serious . one of the best workers ive seen was out of two pets it exelled at everything it was as hard as iron. probably one of the best workers in the district. it produced JACK SHIT. there is a pet bred from workers. (a good old line) up here went to a young lad that self entered and went on to work a few foxes ' in style dispite its owner not becouse of him. this dog has been bred off a couple of times and has not only produced workers but his pups are producing it never ceases to amaze me how blinkered some folk are. luike i said 90% breeding 10% feeding of course worker to worker is a tried and tested way. but its not the only way. i would go for a good line every day. but hey you go long way if you like. YOURS IN SPORT. KEYBOARD HUNTER Im a bollocks for doing things the hard way! lol Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted August 27, 2008 Report Share Posted August 27, 2008 I think ( I could be wrong) that it was Parson Jack Russell who said if you have a good working dog then use his brother at stud! the actual reasons he gave were little short of insane: something about the working dog's seed would be weaker as he had worked so hard LOL! I'm sure someone who has read the books will remember exactly what was written. Anyway, I lined a lurcher bitch with the non working brother of a very good lurcher dog who for some reason just wasn't interested. The brothers were out of and by some very good dogs indeed, and the whole litter I bred worked extremely well, all took fox till the day they died and were some of the best I've ever bred, as were the next generation down. Blood won't always out, but I would have thought it was worth taking the risk. Quote Link to post
Molie1337 35 Posted August 29, 2008 Report Share Posted August 29, 2008 Jesus, i was goin to start a thread about breeding but i wont bother, ill probably be hounded off the forum, scuse the pun. Quote Link to post
Guest busterdog Posted August 29, 2008 Report Share Posted August 29, 2008 dogs are born with the genes to produce, just because the litter brother is the best worker, does not mean he has the better chance to produce, the only thing is the working dog will make you feel that bit better when you mate it to your bitch !! take one look at the replies you got to this post, ask your self how many of these guys are in this game and how long there in it ,ask them did they ever produce a working terrier, did they ever own a good working terrier !!! how many have ever bred to a well bred dog that was never dug ???. you have lads on here that say brian nuttall does not work his terriers dont buy off him, yet he can produce top class working terriers from his breeding, why ??????????????????? because he is breeding off of dogs/ bitches that have the best of breeding in them !!!!!!! breeding has to be there to start with !!!!!!!! you cant put it in later. some of the best line of pit bulls are down off dogs that quit !!!!!!!!! but they could produce better that them selfs !!!!! if the bitch you intend to breed is a line bred bitch from the dog you would like to breed then go ahead and do it !! i have spoken to guys on here that lost there line of workers when they outcrossed, when i breed a litter of pups before there even born, i can tell you how i intend breeding them to continue my line of working terriers !! if you have two brothers from a litter, one is a top class working terrier, the other has never been worked if i had a choice i would go for the working terrier, but in your case you have only one dog to choose from, the point i am making is, if both dogs were alive, know one could tell which one would produce better unless you breed them to the same bitch, produced different litters worked them, then you get a fair idea of which one is a better producing dog with that bitch............... NOW IF THE BITCH YOU INTENT BREEDING IS NOT A LINE BRED BITCH OF THE DOG YOU INTEND TO USE .......... THEN THAT WOULD BE A WHOLE NEW POST........AND I DONT HAVE THE TIME RIGHT NOW AS I HAVE TO WALK MY DOGS.. MY ADVICE TO YOU IS SPEAK TO A PERSON THAT HAS BRED AND PRODUCED WORKING TERRIERS ALL HIS LIFE FOR SOME ADVICE, 90% OF THE TIME ON THIS FORUM THE ADVISE YOU GETTING ARE FROM YOUNG LADS THAT WOULD NOT KNOW A FOX EARTH FROM A BADGER SETT, OR OTHERS THAT ARE DIGGING 40 YEARS AND DUG ABOUT ONCE A YEAR IF YOU WERE TO KNOW THE TRUTH, JUST BECAUSE THE TERRIERMAN UP THE ROAD IS A CRANKY f****r AND HAS GOOD TERRIERS ALL HIS LIFE DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANT KNOCK AT HIS DOOR AND ASK HIM HIS OPINION ON BREEDING ETC, IF YOU WANT TO LEARN ABOUT BREEDING OR HOW TO WORK AND BRING ON YOUNG PUPS YOU MUST ASK ADVISE !!!!!!!!!!!! BUT YOU MUST ASK IT FROM THE RIGHT PERSON NOT SOME GUY SITTING BEHIND A KEY BOARD YOU DONT EVEN KNOW >>>>> RANT OVER !! BEST OF LUCK . AT LAST SOMONE WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S ON ABOUT Quote Link to post
goldfinch2007 2,336 Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 what have you got to lose the breedings there how many big named terrier men enter every dog to fox but still produce quality workers if you dont do it you will always think what if? Quote Link to post
justin 2 Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 just my veiw... ignore all the perfect world breeders of "ultimate" terriers on here...not long ago i took on a three year old "pet"...took her off the guy as she was in a terrible state, starved, worms, fleas, frightened wreck of a russel who pissed herself as soon as you raised your voice...intended to put her in nice attatched, gained her trust and a season and a half later she is one of the best workers ive owned with other people on hear to testify...wont say shes better than anyone elses, but perfect for what i want out of my dogs...if its in the dog, then its up to the owner to bring it out of them...if you want to continue your line then dont hesitate...hunting is about yourself, not pleasing hundreds of guys who you dont even know...worst case scenario is that you will have to find pet my oppinion exactly the same as selling to show homes...good luck buddy... Quote Link to post
Guest Countryboyo Posted December 14, 2008 Report Share Posted December 14, 2008 I say just go for it. If you dont youl loose the line and always wonder what might have been. Quote Link to post
blackpack 70 Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 (p***y) your a genius you said it all, Quote Link to post
blaev 1 Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 What about the ability of the owner to bring a dog on? I wonder how many potentially good dogs have been ruined by inept owners who fancy themselves as terriermen then try to excuse the results of their mistakes by saying it was the dog's fault? Quote Link to post
neil cooney 10,416 Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 Thousands. Quote Link to post
kash 1 Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 it depends if it's just because he's off your old dog & you want to keep something of him still going then go for it if it's just to make money then no there's a few other dogs out there that will need a good home end of the day it's your decision Quote Link to post
smelly dog 16 Posted December 17, 2008 Report Share Posted December 17, 2008 (edited) Edited January 23, 2009 by smelly dog Quote Link to post
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