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patterns for begginer

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Hi Guys and gals you have prob had this post before i do alot of clay shooting rabbits and fox but i started to dabble in a bit of pigeon shooting last year and enjoyed it i have had good and bad days as like most ppl. I am just looking to get a bit of a edge on the birds do anyone have any ideas i can use for decoy patterns.


Thanks in advance

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i would try the horseshoe shape for starters mate but remember to leave about 20 yds beween your deeks at the back of the pattern to give the birds a good landing area and dont let this area get littered with shot birds, also leave a bit of space between the deeks at the front of the pattern to give them an escape route, space them out a bit more than the ones on the side of your pattern. but most off all mate if the birds arent commiting to the pattern try other ones with more or less deeks etc on the day you have to find what the birds like.


hope this helps.

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