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Guest smashygadge

sounds as tho could be a close touch of the old sun stroke .and glad his heart checked well thats made me feel better as i say i didnt really want to put a downer on things.i had mine out for a good walk and run around 8 and the greys normally find it hard but hunted up for a good hour an half so wether must be getting a little easier on them .good luck anyway in the coming season :victory:

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Could be a type of seizure; not all seizures involve falling down. There is also a pre-ictal state before the seizure that is a lot like what you describe, the dog acts drunk and wobbly. There are a lot of weird things that can trigger a seizure, one of my IGs will seize sometimes if he is startled awake.


It also sounds a bit like exertional hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. Try giving a high protein snack like just before you run him and see if that helps. Not a whole meal, just a snack.




Hypoglycemia can also be associated with overheating.

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What you describe sound exactly like a classic fit, though could be many things, this can show from a momentory absence to a full blown thrashing fit. The circumstances ie only in the summer suggest a trigger that may be related to fitness, heat or just excitment. If it is fitting find the trigger and avoid.

Alternatives are cramping that can present as a stagger/loss of control, strange gait etc, again avoid ie don't run in the heat. Be careful of electrolyte suppliments unless you know for sure that there is a shortage of a mineral salt as adding the wrong one will only make things worse. Better to give a balenced diet, add a bit of raw once or twice a week, as it will give balenced amounts of mineral salts that may help to reduce cramping.

good luck sandy

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