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Anyone else come across a similar experience?


My one dog, he's 2 1/2 goes into a state which is best described that he looks as if he's drunk after freerunning for 1/2 hour. He staggers side ways and falls over, walks off blind and doesn't respond to any commands. After a couple of minutes he's back to normal. The vet has checked him out and can't find anything wrong. This only every happens when he's free running.

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:o sounds strange mate, may be lack of somthing,

hope you get it sorted. welcome to forum.


Cheers lofti, baffling the hell out of me! the only thing I can possibly put it down to is dehydration, espically as the only time it seems to happen is during the off season. When he's lamping in the colder nights doesn't seem to be a problem.

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Dont think the vet will see anything that may cause that without a MRI scan..............

True, 99% of the time he shows no other problems. It doesn't seem to be progressively getting worse or entering into day to day life which the vet said he would be concerned about. The vets advice was 'not to run him to long and see how he gets on'.


To be honest during last season he would be out for a good nights work and he would be fine. I was more interested to see if any one else had come across anything similar.

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Guest smashygadge
type of dog is it your running mate :thumbs:

Smashyy he's a DH grey x collie xbeardie, got another out of the same litter, no problems with that one...



sounds a lovely dog is he heavely coated like mine

also on hot days or warm mines not up for too much running i only take him on the evening

but he is a heavy breathing dog.thats one thing i find but as you say winter different story .

now my greys they somtimes just flop threw day just want to chill .i bet if you had a thermometer with you they would go of the rictor scale. :thumbs: have you any piks of these beasts

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type of dog is it your running mate :thumbs:

Smashyy he's a DH grey x collie xbeardie, got another out of the same litter, no problems with that one...



sounds a lovely dog is he heavely coated like mine

also on hot days or warm mines not up for too much running i only take him on the evening

but he is a heavy breathing dog.thats one thing i find but as you say winter different story .

now my greys they somtimes just flop threw day just want to chill .i bet if you had a thermometer with you they would go of the rictor scale. :thumbs: have you any piks of these beasts


Very simlar to yours with the white legs, mine has white socks. I often get stopped in the street by Joe public and ased if they are deer hounds. I will sort out some pics and get them posted.


I only take out early morning or late once it's cooled down, seems to do the trick. However the dogs were running on the beach last week during the early afternoon, I think that might have been the problem.

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Guest smashygadge
type of dog is it your running mate :thumbs:

Smashyy he's a DH grey x collie xbeardie, got another out of the same litter, no problems with that one...



sounds a lovely dog is he heavely coated like mine

also on hot days or warm mines not up for too much running i only take him on the evening

but he is a heavy breathing dog.thats one thing i find but as you say winter different story .

now my greys they somtimes just flop threw day just want to chill .i bet if you had a thermometer with you they would go of the rictor scale. :thumbs: have you any piks of these beasts


Very simlar to yours with the white legs, mine has white socks. I often get stopped in the street by Joe public and ased if they are deer hounds. I will sort out some pics and get them posted.


I only take out early morning or late once it's cooled down, seems to do the trick. However the dogs were running on the beach last week during the early afternoon, I think that might have been the problem.



the sun is a problem with them.i also have been asked about the deerhound too lol

but mines 28tts so not suprised .

i didnt want to put a downer on things but my mate who bred mine. one of the littermates to mine

had a hole in its heart i no you said youve had it checked but sounded similar .

dont want to make you think the worst id put it down to heat.

but better safe than sorry :victory:

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Cheers Wilf, I took a look, the closest description was below, but not to that extream, it was more like the dog was slightly drunk and lastest for 1-2 minutes and was back to normal.


' Moderate (Grand Mal) occurs when the dog falls down, loses consciousness and extends its limbs rigidly. Paddling of limbs, salivation followed by possible loss of control of bladder and bowels and vocalization (blood curdling scream) may follow. This may occur for 1-3 minutes and is most often followed by a period of restlessness, pacing, bumping into objects and loss of balance. Post Ictal period: The dog is conscious but may appear deaf, blind and disoriented. Great care must be taken to prevent the dog from injuring itself at this time.

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type of dog is it your running mate :thumbs:

Smashyy he's a DH grey x collie xbeardie, got another out of the same litter, no problems with that one...



sounds a lovely dog is he heavely coated like mine

also on hot days or warm mines not up for too much running i only take him on the evening

but he is a heavy breathing dog.thats one thing i find but as you say winter different story .

now my greys they somtimes just flop threw day just want to chill .i bet if you had a thermometer with you they would go of the rictor scale. :thumbs: have you any piks of these beasts


Very simlar to yours with the white legs, mine has white socks. I often get stopped in the street by Joe public and ased if they are deer hounds. I will sort out some pics and get them posted.


I only take out early morning or late once it's cooled down, seems to do the trick. However the dogs were running on the beach last week during the early afternoon, I think that might have been the problem.



the sun is a problem with them.i also have been asked about the deerhound too lol

but mines 28tts so not suprised .

i didnt want to put a downer on things but my mate who bred mine. one of the littermates to mine

had a hole in its heart i no you said youve had it checked but sounded similar .

dont want to make you think the worst id put it down to heat.

but better safe than sorry :victory:


I'm glad I joined tonight, it's been playing on my mind over the last week. I'm been given some good advice by you all, when you've got a good dog you will you do what ever to keep in good health....when he was at the vets for his jabs recently his heart checked ok :) which is good news!


He had good run this evening (8pm ish) no problems, will need to keep an eye on him over the coming weeks.

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