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Guest Born-and-Bread-to-Hunt

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All I can say is that Ive seen some straight coursing greyhounds{not x track]outlast collie/grey and bed/grey, on the lamp ,run for run.These greys are owned by a local ex hare courser who has now turned his attention to the humble rabbit.Rightly or wrongly Im lead to believe the greyhound gets stamina from the deep chest.If the more experienced lads on here say otherwise then I stand corrected.Have any of you ever been lamping with either greyhound or whippet or are you quoting from the book I need to read.

sarcastic bunch- :oops: :icon_redface:

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fox dropper what a load of mad dog shite:haha: :haha::haha::haha::haha:


Take the piss all you like.A person can only say what hes seen. :no:


fox dropper what a load of mad dog shite:haha: :haha::haha::haha::haha:


Take the piss all you like.A person can only say what hes seen. :no:

Personally I think some of the replies were based on what people thought should happen and not first hand experience.

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i have ran 3 greyhounds lamping im a big fan of greyhounds i found them to have an incredibly good nose considering and as keen as any dog and not as brainless as some would think the odd hare a few rabbits here n there and game enough to take fox but a serious lamper who will cover ground and put the hours in on a night you,d leave the greyhound home or keep her on the slip after a few runs and let the other dog(lurcher) finish up :D

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Foxdropper if you are older than 8 years you are in seriouse trouble, you could be at least 75 years before things start to click, you have not got one clue what you are saying. If I was you I would keep quiet for a few years then say something but be carfull what you say.

Regards Coney

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Foxdropper if you are older than 8 years you are in seriouse trouble, you could be at least 75 years before things start to click, you have not got one clue what you are saying. If I was you I would keep quiet for a few years then say something but be carfull what you say.

Regards Coney

id qeustion your age coney after that post :whistle:

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Take the piss all you like.A person can only say what hes seen. :no:

Personally I think some of the replies were based on what people thought should happen and not first hand experience.

i kept coursing dogs for a lot of years and ive had the pleasure of seeing some of the best dogs/bitches run in the country and they have all been saluki x's ye they do have other working blood in there make-up, ie collie,deerhound,bed,bull ect but the majority of the blood is saluki for the obvious reason(stamina),you hear of these coursing dogs running hares for up to 8-9 minutes,some of you might think this will be like watching paint dry but its the style of some of these marothon dogs literally running their quarry to an almost standstill,how many greyhounds do you see on the fens.iv'e got first hand experience dont you worry about that.

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countryman...heres an old pic of my two half x collie/greyhounds pic taken from the 80s



[/quotSUPERB, nothing like them in my opinion.

Why are they now being overlooked?


not many whippets or whipp/bed, are going to compete with a good lamp dog, remmember minshaws old lamp dogs all big dogs 25" pluss, but im talking about taking big scores, if your happy to go and knock off half a dozen then get a whippet, like max said its what makes you happy that counts :)

I dont beleive that a pure whippet has the stamina to be an out and out lamp dog

Where are the fans of the out of fashion colliex a fine dog for the lamp, as many others must be able to confirm :ph34r:


Whippets -no stamina-Where do you think stamina comes from in a lurcher ,from the sighthound.All stamina is from this side of the cross.The bullX being the exception.Both whippet and greyhound have bull in thier make up.

Greyhounds have bull in their make up? Ha ha ha very good, do you have a pedigree or are you just talking shite?

I did not question the stamina of the Greyhound Its the whippets stamina that i question, due to its stature.

certain lines of greyhound do actually carry bull in there make up. i could be slightly wrong with the time and dates but sometime in the 1800s i think it were a coursing enthusiast called lord olford introduced bull blood into his breeding lines of coursing greyhound.believe me when i say i knew a man called Jonn Walsh who trained , bred , coursed and raced greyhounds. he had a hand in Sam The Man, Suncrest Tina ,Whitehall amongst others.He had a big light brindle dog pet name of Miller a fine looking animal of 80 lb, i believe he was by sam the man out of a irish park bred bitch called scotch pyramid. if you didnt know any different you would have deffinatly said it was quater bull. :yes:

I stand corrected, mate :icon_redface:

Bull or no bull their stamina is not that of the lurcher, eh Foxdropper :whistle:

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hey foxy its time to stand up and say or shout IAM WRONG .But hey u tried and we give u 10 out of 10 for that :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :clapping: :clapping:


Mark-I WAS WRONG.It seems I have been brainwashed by the coursing around me.No excuse I know but there it is.I would like to thank you all for putting me straight.All apart from countryman who pissed me off at the start of the thread.Going back to the night in question ,I quess the greyhound was fit and the lurchers were not.Some of the greyhound boys will have heard of the coursing gent I refer to but name dropping is not my thing.I apologies for any aggressive language or name calling.



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Mark-I WAS WRONG.It seems I have been brainwashed by the coursing around me.No excuse I know but there it is.I would like to thank you all for putting me straight.All apart from countryman who pissed me off at the start of the thread.Going back to the night in question ,I quess the greyhound was fit and the lurchers were not.Some of the greyhound boys will have heard of the coursing gent I refer to but name dropping is not my thing.I apologies for any aggressive language or name calling.



i bet that took some doing,good on ye :good:

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