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Guest Born-and-Bread-to-Hunt

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Time in the field mate !Talking about pure coursing blood.



Where to post it though ,,,,.On the lurcher topics ,everyone will be shouting for thier world beater.On the greyhound topics ,none of you lurcher boys would read it !

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someone is drunk,can you tell who?????????in the morning when he realises what he's wrote he will feel even worse :haha::haha:

lol are you not lamping tonight half bull greyhounds? :good:

no frosty here mate

me and my [bANNED TEXT] went out for a bit earlier, no frost here there were loads of rabbits out and a fox, but as hes only got 1 dog thats 10 months old we came home empty handed, not that were bothered as she is getting better, shes had a few rabbits now :good:

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someone is drunk,can you tell who?????????in the morning when he realises what he's wrote he will feel even worse :haha::haha:

lol are you not lamping tonight half bull greyhounds? :good:

no frosty here mate

me and my [bANNED TEXT] went out for a bit earlier, no frost here there were loads of rabbits out and a fox, but as hes only got 1 dog thats 10 months old we came home empty handed, not that were bothered as she is getting better, shes had a few rabbits now :good:

All joking aside, that is real sport my freind.

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Guest freestate hunter

of coarse the saluki is king r queen of the coarsing,but i would put my house on a lurcher out lasting a greyhound any time. You only use the greyhound for the pace in breeding proposes.

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After lamping this whippet for 4 years until he broke his back in a collision i know a whippet can do the job but i have also lamped a lot more whippets that were not as good













Also saw Sooty Sam work the lamp & he was all he was said to be :good:

cracking pic [bANNED TEXT] :good:

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Guest markbrick1

very nice pictures never said whippets cant catch just said them and there big brothers havnt got the stamina of there cousins .Just lost a very good greyxwhippet very very fast and great lamping dog but not any good with the stamina

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foxdropper you really are taking some good gear :haha::haha::haha: .... a greyhound is a sprint master they have been bred this way for thousands of years and there isnt a dog taht will stay with them over a distance of up to 500 yds to 750 yds .... i am lucky in the fact taht one of my greys can go near flat out for a 1000 yds making him a distance specialist but theses dogs are very few and far between .... however there is no way he would last half the night against a mediocre lurcher ..... the greyhounds body is desinged somewhat like the cheetah and the amount of energy theses animals use up over a short distance is tremendouse and takes a long time to replenish ..... the king of stamina in the running dog world is the saluki .... again they have been bred for this job for thousands of years thats why they are used in the coursing world ..... the greyhound is used to add speed to a lurcher full stop .... it does not have any other attributes to offer such as inteligence, tractibillity, stamina etc etc ..... for me the top dog for stamina outside the running dog world would be the collie or husky .... the husky carries to many undesirable traites to be used in the make up of a lurcher so the hill working collie it is every time ..........

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most lurchers will catch rabbits i would agree a good collie greyhound would put alot of others to shame but i have got a 28" saluki/ bull /greyhound that catches very well

and a half bull/greyhound that catches just as well they all have there fors and against

merle :good:

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