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ok lads my male harris is right down on,1lb 3oz still buzzing over the rabbits never had this prob before with any other males i have flown .its getting so i dont want to drop him any more,a pal says take him to 1lb 2oz he is good on a dead rabbit shows but lacks aggression.follows on bang on . my fear is if i take him any lower he will lose any form of fittness left ,breeder said the males he breeds fly around 1lb 8oz im getting a bit stuck any advise please . asap

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  scotlandforever said:
Have you tried him on a dummy bunny with a bit of food on it and throwing it in front of him so that when he binds to it that he finds the food and then when hunting associates the rabbit with food?


Jason ;)he is on dead ones no prob thrown out in front off him ,breaks into them no bother,just seems to have no real bottle .shall i take him a bit lower,whats the weights of anyone elses at entering dont want him to go flat weak..

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  rickardo said:
what weight was he when you got him? and what weight did he first responed at coming to the glove? just give us an idea how much you have dropped his weight
he was 590 out the pen ,he responded at 572 he is bomb proof in every way.good following on n everything just sees to lack bottle on live quarry.he is 542 today he wass 555 yesterday ill try him at this weight what do ya think mate ,could he be one of the bottleless birds that are about.
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I always think making a Harris follow on before you enter them makes them look in towards you to much and wait to be fed.I had a male last year passed to me for the same reason,he flew at 1.4 and took pheasant and rabbit he was flown bfore i got him at 1.3 with very little success.I used a swing lure a lot with him to get him fit and sharp and just put lots of game under him when he was sharp enough.Funnily enough didnt do a lot with a dummy bunny but he took rabbits well enough

Edited by graham01
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I wouldnt drop his weight anymore spar1 keep feeding him off a dead rabbit like people have already said and try and get him a few easy kills, getting the birds confidents to chase and grab the rabbit is the key and with some easy kills he shoud become more confident. Goodluck

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  SPAR said:
bolt an easy rabbit for him with ferrets and see what he does.


thats what I was going to say :thumbs:. I would also condition him at a higher weight depending on what his original weight was when he came out of the aviary. they can't resist a Rabbit Bolted! I'm not talking about a Rabbit layed out in the field but if you stand over a Ferreted Hole to make it a bit easier for him he should make a kill which will build up his confidence....


He sounds small to me or Low in weight? mine come out around 1lb 12 to 1lb 13 from this pair at 15 weeks, I would certainly expect them to bowl over Bunnies around the 1lb 8 mark and higher when in condition.......





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  spar1 said:
ok lads my male harris is right down on,1lb 3oz still buzzing over the rabbits never had this prob before with any other males i have flown .its getting so i dont want to drop him any more,a pal says take him to 1lb 2oz he is good on a dead rabbit shows but lacks aggression.follows on bang on . my fear is if i take him any lower he will lose any form of fittness left ,breeder said the males he breeds fly around 1lb 8oz im getting a bit stuck any advise please . asap

Has your Harris been fed on rabbit, Alot of breeders only feed there young chicks, if your harris has only been fed chicks he will not reconise rabbit as a food source.

Drag a dead rabbit for your male and let him have a good feed on it, repeat this several times. then your harris will reconise rabbit as a food source. I would not drop his wieght any more. put his wieght up a couple of onces and work on his fitness and as long as he is responsive fly him at a heavier wieght. Dropping a birds wieght is not always the answer to get it hunting.

good luck


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Has your Harris been fed on rabbit, Alot of breeders only feed there young chicks, if your harris has only been fed chicks he will not reconise rabbit as a food source.

Drag a dead rabbit for your male and let him have a good feed on it, repeat this several times. then your harris will reconise rabbit as a food source. I would not drop his wieght any more. put his wieght up a couple of onces and work on his fitness and as long as he is responsive fly him at a heavier wieght. Dropping a birds wieght is not always the answer to get it hunting.

good luck


I once had a female ferruginous hawk that had only been fed on chicks.It was frightened to death of everything else i tried to feed it :icon_redface:

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