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Are border terriers easy to get started?

Guest rubberribs

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i had a border in 79 at six months old ,it had been ill treated,but i kept it and tryied to bring him on,at 9 mths he drew a cub,i thought this is a start,apart from a bit of bushing ,n, ratting that was it,don,t let this put you of there has and is some great borders out there so good luck,give it time though,oh' by the way i kept that border for 17 yrs ther's nothing wrong with there longevity... :D:good:

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Guest rubberribs
i had a border in 79 at six months old ,it had been ill treated,but i kept it and tryied to bring him on,at 9 mths he drew a cub,i thought this is a start,apart from a bit of bushing ,n, ratting that was it,don,t let this put you of there has and is some great borders out there so good luck,give it time though,oh' by the way i kept that border for 17 yrs ther's nothing wrong with there longevity... :D:good:

cheers mate


[bANNED TEXT] age is it best to get my young border goin? r they easy to get started? :drag:


chalies rat,s n e thing thats good to go! :drag: :good::good:

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If hes a pup get him out as much as possable without tireing him out to much.If hes inclined to work through earths make sure they are unocupied if you cant guarantee earths are empty keep him on a leed.I encourage mine to work cover and use there noses from an early age.Good luck [bANNED TEXT].

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Tie her up near an earth that is being worked by another terrier,the sights,sounds and smells of dog working a fox will get most terriers worth the name worked up.Rattings good for bringing a dog on do as much of that as you can (good fun aswell).Dont get to worried if shes a year old now she can have the summer to mature and grow and next winter hopefully she will be up for it.


An old pic

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