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St Johns Chapel Show. Terriers and Lurchers.

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Weardale Agricultural Show,-

Show on Saturday 30th August,- loads to see and do for the family. Including Countryside Marquee.

Terrier and Lurcher Show is on,- on the Sunday 31st. Contact Mike Tones for info. 01388 517349

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Bellingham show is cancelled and the trade stands and an extra 300 horse entries are now at St Johns Chapel Country Show tomorrow. Remember the Terrier and Lurcher show is Sunday.

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good show but the judgeing on the terriers was suspect wont go again 2 years running the judge has been a nugget :thumbdown:

Dont run down judges as a rule and didnt go to this show but as you said the last few years the judges have seemed well to say the least indifferent arse scratchers .Minty Ayre was judging with some lunatic side kick a few years ago and would not listen to the wise words of Minty in his shell like and insisted in putting up the most over weight spineless example of a Border as champion,and allthough i found it funny that this bloke had been asked to judge and was so obviously clueless i can see how it would upsett others who like the show scene at least the scenery up there is second to none :thumbs:

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good show but the judgeing on the terriers was suspect wont go again 2 years running the judge has been a nugget :thumbdown:

Dont run down judges as a rule and didnt go to this show but as you said the last few years the judges have seemed well to say the least indifferent arse scratchers .Minty Ayre was judging with some lunatic side kick a few years ago and would not listen to the wise words of Minty in his shell like and insisted in putting up the most over weight spineless example of a Border as champion,and allthough i found it funny that this bloke had been asked to judge and was so obviously clueless i can see how it would upsett others who like the show scene at least the scenery up there is second to none :thumbs:

who won show was gonna go but weather put driver of

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Have to say I thought the judge was a bit rough with the dogs.












































this little lad deserved to win for effort alone, bless him :)










Champion was the border, black dog reserve


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There were a few Name :o

He was rough in the way he handled them. Not really bothered about his judgement, its only a show at the end of the day.


Ey up keeps, did you take the photos of the dogs, if so what camera did you use,

it takes really good pictures, and dogs are mint..

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