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Tyres obviously have a massive impact on your vehicle when it comes to the rough and wet stuff,

What do you have fitted on yours? Mud terrains or all terrains?

Anybody recommend what they find the best tyre for both road and off-road work?

Obviously some of them mudders are far too noisy on the road and won't give you a decent performance, have you found any to be different? :gunsmilie:

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we had 37 inch creepy crawlers on our disco,there where a awesome tyre but more suited to climbeing rocks etc :icon_eek:we have fitted smaller 33 inch cooper stt mud terrains,wich are ideal for off road and supriseinglie good on road!heres my disco with the 37 inchers on and has it is now on 33 inch :thumbs:




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we had 37 inch creepy crawlers on our disco,there where a awesome tyre but more suited to climbeing rocks etc :icon_eek:we have fitted smaller 33 inch cooper stt mud terrains,wich are ideal for off road and supriseinglie good on road!heres my disco with the 37 inchers on and has it is now on 33 inch :thumbs:
this is the tyres it had on the top picture how it is now


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bf goodrich mudterrians mate, saves on puntcures on a night on and will go anywhere, i think many others are a false economy!


Yep BF Muds agree there wink hound, yes you pay more than remoulds and some other tyre makes... but there great on the road and off it, I wouldn't want the AT 50/50 all terrains or I'd of been well stranded by now... :icon_eek: ...


Big thumbs up for BF Muds, last well as well.. :thumbs:

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bf goodrich mudterrians mate, saves on puntcures on a night on and will go anywhere, i think many others are a false economy!



bf goodrich mudterrians mate, saves on puntcures on a night on and will go anywhere, i think many others are a false economy!


Yep BF Muds agree there wink hound, yes you pay more than remoulds and some other tyre makes... but there great on the road and off it, I wouldn't want the AT 50/50 all terrains or I'd of been well stranded by now... :icon_eek: ...


Big thumbs up for BF Muds, last well as well.. :thumbs:


What are they like if you cover a fair amount of road miles also? noisey or bareable?

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I haven't found the ideal compromise for my Defender.


I do motorway work , and Greenlaning. SO diverse ends of the spectrum.


I have Insa Daka on steel modulars for off road, and Cooper Standard fitment on Alloys for road use.


Best of both worlds.


Takes 20 mins to change them, when required.



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