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Big black cat of Kingsbury UK?

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Hi all


You will need free Google Earth for this one and go to location:-


52deg 33' 31.82"N

01deg 40' 21.54W


Big cat on path?


We have all heard of the sightings of large black cats around the UK, well here is one sighting of something you can all make your mind about. From the direction of the shadows of the tree line and the compass rose we can see the sun is from due East and fairly high in the sky I'd say (Summer early morning) at time of photo. If you use the distance tool on Google Earth I reckon that the critter is all of 2.89 yards nose to tail!


I thought at first it might be the shadow of a large air craft on the climb out from Birmingham International but it would have to be flying at a very unusual angle to cast a shadow like this and very close to the ground to cast such a small shadow. I've ruled this one out.


The tail appears to be round, long and curls up (just like a large felines) so not a deer and too big for a dog.


So I reckon we have a large cat.


What's your views?


Be warned) DO NOT under any circumstances go looking for it in this area, as it is a live firing MOD range and danger area.

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Wow a black smudge lol.


It could be anything, a black dog, old bin bag who knows but I cant see how its a black cat?



Not too sure about a bin bag or dog, if you use the Google Earth ruler you will see its 2.89 yards long. Bloody big dog and even bigger binbag.


if you hunt please be carefull what you aim at....lol

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Hi all


You will need free Google Earth for this one and go to location:-


52deg 33' 31.82"N

01deg 40' 21.54W


Big cat on path?


We have all heard of the sightings of large black cats around the UK, well here is one sighting of something you can all make your mind about. From the direction of the shadows of the tree line and the compass rose we can see the sun is from due East and fairly high in the sky I'd say (Summer early morning) at time of photo. If you use the distance tool on Google Earth I reckon that the critter is all of 2.89 yards nose to tail!


I thought at first it might be the shadow of a large air craft on the climb out from Birmingham International but it would have to be flying at a very unusual angle to cast a shadow like this and very close to the ground to cast such a small shadow. I've ruled this one out.


The tail appears to be round, long and curls up (just like a large felines) so not a deer and too big for a dog.


So I reckon we have a large cat.


What's your views?


Be warned) DO NOT under any circumstances go looking for it in this area, as it is a live firing MOD range and danger area.


lol, you got plenty of time on your hands then :clapper:

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I thought that earlier alimac,I read the post and thought how the f**k does someone spot that?Good find though whatever it is??? :hmm:



I wanted to set up my new scope on my rifle so I was measuring distance from my house to objects afar via the Google Earth measuring tool and quite frankly I didn't believe it was accurate. So I zoomed over to the Kingsbury rifle range where I shoot often and knowing it is 600 yards from the back firing point to the butts I measured it and while doing so I spotted the 'CAT' or whatever on the path.


According to the local papers and the BBC there have been several sightings of large CATS in this area.


scary isn't it?

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It probably is a big cat, there are loads of them living wild in the UK. Lots of people got them as pets back in the early 80's when Micheal Jackson had 1, same old story. . . . Cats grew, people couldn't cope so released them, they also brought in a new dangerous animals licence. Most people's enclosures were not to the correct standard.


These cats will thrive here, lots of deer and birds etc for food, lots of wooded areas for cover. The reason people don't see them again in the same place often is because their territories are huge and by the time they come back to the same spot. it either stinks of humans and they leave or people have forgotten about it.


They are also not really a massive threat to people, they will stay out of your way and unless protecting cubs or a kill, will rarely attack.

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this is silly, that could be anything! why would a wild cat be walking down the centre of a road in the middle of the day towards a house? if i was a wild cat i would be in the nearby forests hunting for something to eat, and i'd leave the 'walking up peope drivways' t the night tme when theres nobod around,

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