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Things to do before i die

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Ive had a list of things that i wanted to do for ages now. Over the years ive steadily knocked them off. There have been some good ones like firing a 44magnum, and getting a ak47 pointed at me in anger (that wasnt something that i wanted to happen, but when it did it was the scariest thing ever so i put it on my list anyway). Ive got others like getting letters after my name and ive been writing a book now about squirrel hawking which ive just published ( its only a thin paperback as im in the process of writing a large hardback about squirreling and want that to be the main one), ive also paid the house off so ive only got 2 things left now!

The first is i want to swim across the local resorvoir, that should be good.

The second is i want to go to one of these fancy beauticians and and get an enema by a gorgeous young lass, then when she is halfway through i want to say "do you mind if I masturbate while you do that?" That should also be a laugh


Anyone else got things that need to be done?

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Realistic ambitions?Take my kids to Flame-beach,patagonia,to watch the Orca take sea-lions,or churchill manitoba to see the polar bears in the tundra,or Take them camping somewhere wild,discover who they really are away from the TV and the PC,see what makes them tick,male-bonding excercise sort of thing :)

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fishing for chinook salmon in the south of chili/argentina, realistic? who knows! ;)


I saw John Wilson doing that the other day. I can't remember If it was the Chinook or the Steelhead but one of them gave him a right good fight!! They were netting some aswell for tagging. I just flicked over to it and caught them explaing what it was all about, the weighing, measureing etc. Looked quite good :yes:

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Thats a bit dodgy Trappa having something jammed up your butt by a beautiful woman....wonder what Freud would make of that :D:D Good luck with your book. My ambition is to write a book about the local estate that runs through our scheme....its got a facinating history and one day I will get round to it. :victory:

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I'd love to read a serious thread, on here, that doesn't deteriorate into a drunken slanging match... I live in hope but fear my dream will go unfulfilled.


For the idiot that keeps PMing me. I'm being sarcastic, you fuckwit.

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Realistic ambitions?Take my kids to Flame-beach,patagonia,to watch the Orca take sea-lions,or churchill manitoba to see the polar bears in the tundra,or Take them camping somewhere wild,discover who they really are away from the TV and the PC,see what makes them tick,male-bonding excercise sort of thing :)

I have a few unrealistic ones that might get me into trouble,but who knows ;):yes::D

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Guest JohnGalway
I'd love to read a serious thread, on here, that doesn't deteriorate into a drunken slanging match... I live in hope but fear my dream will go unfulfilled.


For the idiot that keeps PMing me. I'm being sarcastic, you fuckwit.



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  1. Get hit with a Police Truncheon, the telescopic kind, around the face.
  2. F**k Some fit 40+ year old, that 'expires' when I turn 20 though.
  3. Have a toe 2 toe with some REALLY hard c**t.
  4. D**k slap my old head teacher.


Loads of other random s**t, I assume the list will change as I get older.

Edited by P.Carter
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