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177 or 22

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It's all down to personal preference I prefer .20 as it has the weight of .22 and almost the speed and trajetory of .177, search the forum you'll find thousands of threads on this topic.


ps click on the link in my signature ;)



If it has the weight of the .22 it will also have the trajectory of the .22 not the .177 :thumbs:

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It's all down to personal preference I prefer .20 as it has the weight of .22 and almost the speed and trajetory of .177, search the forum you'll find thousands of threads on this topic.


ps click on the link in my signature ;)



If it has the weight of the .22 it will also have the trajectory of the .22 not the .177 :thumbs:

You'll see that I said almost as speed and trajectory of .177 :whistling: .20 shoots flatter than .22 and with a 12Ib gun at 30-35 yard zero you will notice the difference against the .22 and will not notice much against .177

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I should have mentioned in my earlier post, that I wasn't having a go at anyone, I just felt like the robot taxi driver from 'Total Recall' for a minute there, you know the one whose head explodes? :laugh:


It's a perfectly valid question kingfisher mate, but it's one you tire of after giving your opinion on it 2,000,000 times! :laugh::thumbs:

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yeah i saw the link it was funny as f*ck and i know evey ones fed up with being asked the same question but i really want to help you reach that 3,000,000 mark so here it is WHATS BETTER .177 OR .22??? :11:

.25 for me...



... at the moment. :D

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all calibres will drop them, i've been on nightshift this week and usually take a rifle in for a pop at the ferrals, this week i took my latest rifle, .22 cal diana 52, it dropped them like flies but then again, so did my original 45 in .177 cal that i took in with me a couple of weeks ago :yes:




john :)

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