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177 or 22

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It's all down to personal preference I prefer .20 as it has the weight of .22 and almost the speed and trajetory of .177, search the forum you'll find thousands of threads on this topic.


ps click on the link in my signature ;)

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It's all down to personal preference I prefer .20 as it has the weight of .22 and almost the speed and trajetory of .177, search the forum you'll find thousands of threads on this topic.


ps click on the link in my signature ;)


.20 is king :notworthy:

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What about .25? :whistling:


Trajectory like a horse shoe in sub 12ft lb imho. Wicked for close range ratting tho :whistling: Depends how good you can judge distances / hold over and how close you can get to your quarry I suppose :icon_redface::whistling: Would like to try .25 in FAC 35 ft lb :notworthy:

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It's all down to personal preference I prefer .20 as it has the weight of .22 and almost the speed and trajetory of .177, search the forum you'll find thousands of threads on this topic.


ps click on the link in my signature ;)


.20 is king :notworthy:

Here Here :gunsmilie:

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Bet my .25 Rapid shooters flatter than the sub 12 .177! :D


Sorry folks... just trying to pre-empt the way these things go... :D



.25 - PAH! :tongue2: A girlie's toy, that . . . . . . :yes::whistling:


.177 [ :tongue4: ] is where you wanna be Chris . . . . . . C'mon bud . . . . . . . you know you want it, really !!! ;):yes:




Hehe . . . . just pulling yer chain pal, all tounge in cheek, and no offense meant. :thumbs:





Edited by Grim Reaper
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Someone PLEASE do a sticky! : :cry: I tried to calibre thread, but no bugger was interested! :laugh: Could someone with more knowledge on pellet trajectories, FPS' and all the other shite that I can't be bothered to understand, please, please write a bit that covers the pro's & con's of the different calibres, so that we can refer the askers of 'The Eternal Question' to it? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Yes mate, it is asked rather often! lol


Its just that this subject is one that keeps cropping up, and eahc calibre user has various fors and againsts to mention in argument, which is only right. Everyoneshould have the opportunity to fight their corner, so to speak. :)


Basically (and something tells me i'm not the only one here) the calibre doesn't matter so much as where you put the pellet - thats what makes the kill at the end of the day. I admit i shoot .177 - it does the job for me without doubt. But that doesn't mean i have anything against 22, 25 or owt else. It comes down to what works well, and what feels right for you (the shooter), when all is said and done. :yes:


In my opinion, shot placement wins out over calibre all day long. :thumbs:






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