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wheres the worms?

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does anyone know where the best place to find worms is? i tried the washing up liquid aproach earlier but all i got was about 3 tiny ones which were no good for anything. plus does anyone know what perch or roach taste like,just interested like..... :whistling:



Take a look at the wormery post on here , will tell you how to get worms mate.

The french eat roach etc i have never eaten them though.

Are times that hard???

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does anyone know where the best place to find worms is? i tried the washing up liquid aproach earlier but all i got was about 3 tiny ones which were no good for anything. plus does anyone know what perch or roach taste like,just interested like..... :whistling:

go around looking for a gas leak mate,speak to whoevers repairing it and there will be loads of worms in the old ground theyve pulled out it seems to atract them.

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does anyone know where the best place to find worms is? i tried the washing up liquid aproach earlier but all i got was about 3 tiny ones which were no good for anything. plus does anyone know what perch or roach taste like,just interested like..... :whistling:

go around looking for a gas leak mate,speak to whoevers repairing it and there will be loads of worms in the old ground theyve pulled out it seems to atract them.


Is this for real ? :censored:

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cheers fellas i went out last night with a torch and got loads! out again tonight for some more. nah times arnt that hard but was just wandering what they taste like cos a while back i was fishing a canal when some old bloke who lives on a narrow boat was saying to me that he likes to eat them and tried getting me to get him one. :fool:

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bad enough with the east europeans eating are course fish :wallbash:

Tell me about it :icon_eek: Even trout are becoming a rarity on some rivers :no:

couple of polish got caught trying to throw a carp over the fence at thorpe lea the other day,cant move for them over there now.

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How big were the fish mate?Get yourself over virginia waters,the last time I was over there I saw a few cooking fish in tin-foil at the lakeside :icon_eek:

dont know how big mate didnt hear from the bailiff or nothing onbe of me mates just told me.there at it up and down the thames mate,over in ham is apparently the worst place hit at the moment there hundreds of the fuckers fishing down there.

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does anyone know where the best place to find worms is? i tried the washing up liquid aproach earlier but all i got was about 3 tiny ones which were no good for anything. plus does anyone know what perch or roach taste like,just interested like..... :whistling:

go around looking for a gas leak mate,speak to whoevers repairing it and there will be loads of worms in the old ground theyve pulled out it seems to atract them.


Is this for real ? :censored:



when i asked is this for real i meant about the gas leak Kingfisher

so after your carefully chosen words via PM

F**k off you little prick

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