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Bald Ferret!!!


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I've got a jill ferret, that has just recently started to go bald on the back of her neck, there was also some fur loss around the chest and armpits, nothing has changed, she is her usual self and the others show no signs of fur loss.........


Any ideas on what it could be, there is no redness of the skin underneath???



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There's no mites or fleas on her, she seemed to take herself out of heat after a while and there is no swelling now???? she was last years young, her sister has none of the fur loss????

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the fur loss on the back of the neck looks familiar to when a jill has been ragged to much by a hob and the scabs have come off leaving a bald patch ,and to the hair loss on the chest could be caused if she is a chunky ferret, what has to squeeze through a hole or tube quite alot of times during they day in which case its just rubbed away . other reasons for baldness in ferrets is if a jill has been left in season for far to long and feeding to many eggs

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  sue said:
the fur loss on the back of the neck looks familiar to when a jill has been ragged to much by a hob and the scabs have come off leaving a bald patch ,and to the hair loss on the chest could be caused if she is a chunky ferret, what has to squeeze through a hole or tube quite alot of times during they day in which case its just rubbed away . other reasons for baldness in ferrets is if a jill has been left in season for far to long and feeding to many eggs



The hob i've got is just a baby so i'd imagine too young to do that, plus haven't seen any signs of him ragging her...... she's not a chunky ferret either the fur loss on her chest is very slight, you only really notice it in certain positions???

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  longdogrunner said:
Can the swelling go but they'll still suffer the side effects of the season??? is it worth getting her jabbed in case????



if you're looking for reliable medical advice about your ferret.. see a vet!


if you're looking for an experienced eye to give you suggestions to the problem, causes, or treatment... see a pet forum... they take their ferrets to the vet regularily .. and would have much more information regarding these sorts of problems..


i'd suggest a moulting thing or a possible adrenal problem.. but i dont know much about hair loss in ferrets personally


though with the current discussion on this forum about said pet owners.. i dont think you'll be getting their feedback on this one so easily...


works both ways i'm afraid..

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  lorelei0922 said:
  longdogrunner said:
Can the swelling go but they'll still suffer the side effects of the season??? is it worth getting her jabbed in case????



if you're looking for reliable medical advice about your ferret.. see a vet!


if you're looking for an experienced eye to give you suggestions to the problem, causes, or treatment... see a pet forum... they take their ferrets to the vet regularily .. and would have much more information regarding these sorts of problems..


i'd suggest a moulting thing or a possible adrenal problem.. but i dont know much about hair loss in ferrets personally


though with the current discussion on this forum about said pet owners.. i dont think you'll be getting their feedback on this one so easily...


works both ways i'm afraid..



I haven't got a clue what you're on about with said pet owners???


Before i go and shell out £40 to see a vet, i thought i'd see if anyone had any experience of this with their ferrets, quite simple really......... :thumbs:

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  Julia said:
Take her to the vet! Jill jab.. She could still suffer sideeffects of staying in heat too long.


The ferret on the pic i posted, is doing well today. We took her to the vet as soon as possible.



Cheers i'll give that ago and see how she does................ :victory:

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  sue said:
so she has been in season and not mated ,but she is showing no signs of being in season now,then it could be a womb infection and then its best to take to the vets to check her out



Yeah thats right, no swelling left now, so i assumed she'd come out of heat???? Will get her checked out and jabbed if needs be.....cheers for all advice....... :thumbs:

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