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logun s 16

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Don't know what you are currently using but I've always used .22 Logun Penetrators in mine and they work just fine.....




If you are not using them give them a go with a little pellet lube on they work a treat!!


Good Luck


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Don't know what you are currently using but I've always used .22 Logun Penetrators in mine and they work just fine.....




If you are not using them give them a go with a little pellet lube on they work a treat!!


Good Luck



coney just out of intrest i no its a bit of topic but how quiet are them s16's :gunsmilie:

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i had this problem with my s16

i put it down to two things

1 shite quality pellets

2 wasnt pushing the lever far enough forward had to push it down then give it a second push

since then touch wood its been sound


i now use logan penatrators with a bit of lube and its been bang on

hope this helps



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Don't know what you are currently using but I've always used .22 Logun Penetrators in mine and they work just fine.....




If you are not using them give them a go with a little pellet lube on they work a treat!!


Good Luck



coney just out of intrest i no its a bit of topic but how quiet are them s16's :gunsmilie:


Not bad...but anything that has a Weihrauch silencer on has the edge ( in my opinion )

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Don't know what you are currently using but I've always used .22 Logun Penetrators in mine and they work just fine.....




If you are not using them give them a go with a little pellet lube on they work a treat!!


Good Luck


Nice one Coney lovely gun..

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i had the same probs with mine, like epo, i just wasn't pushing the bolt forwards firmly enough :icon_redface:


i bought mine second hand, as it turned out the thing was (slowly) leaking air, it now hisses loudly and empties overnight :angry:

i replaced the O-ring on the bottle and it's still the same, looks like it will have to go in for a service :thumbs:



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