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Theoben Gas Rams.

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Is anyone using any of the Theoben gas ram rifles...? If so how do they compare after using a precharge...?

Just sold my Daystate a very good piece of kit,thinking of going to one of the Theoben gasrams.Fancy a change.

Edited by Moorman 1
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Is anyone using any of the Theoben gas ram rifles...? If so how do they compare after using a precharge...?

Just sold my Daystate a very good piece of kit,thinking of going to one of the Theoben gasrams.Fancy a change.


Ihave a Theoben evo great gun and use air arms diablo sport pellets.Never owned a precharge but the stopping power of a theoben well lets just say i couldnt be more pleased :victory:

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Thanks for the reply........so you would recommend one then?Sounds good.Have you had much success in the field with it?


Aye mate i have shot a few rabbits since i got it.Nice stopping power.In fact i had a fox in my sights about a week ago prob bout 15 20yards if i remember.Never took the shot but be curious as to what if i did?


I would certainly recommend it mate :victory:

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Thanks for the reply........so you would recommend one then?Sounds good.Have you had much success in the field with it?


Aye mate i have shot a few rabbits since i got it.Nice stopping power.In fact i had a fox in my sights about a week ago prob bout 15 20yards if i remember.Never took the shot but be curious as to what if i did?


I would certainly recommend it mate :victory:



I know what it would do just really hurt it and cause it to have a horrible wound!!


Be careful what you say mate It can be taken the wrong way and also make yourself look bad. I dont mean to sound condescending but you should only ever shoot airgun quarry.

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Well said LOGUN.. :thumbs: i've also got the evo, 177, very pleased with it, consistancy of power ( 11.89 with AA field ) BMW build quality, leave it cocked as long as you like. I'm fairly new to this game, dogs being my first love if you like, so i cant make any comparrisons with the gas ram against springers or p.c.p's. As for in the field, get your zero bang on, i like to use a pellet a tad on the light side for really flat trajectory, get those cross hairs on the sweet spot..... bobs your uncle :thumbs:


Just to add on the noise front, i tried a few guns out in the shop, the EVO was quieter than the HW 97, but not as quiet as the HW 90 ( gas ram ) with the WH silencer.... The AA S200 ,the chap in the shop had let ten shots off befofe i knew what was happening :icon_eek: Hope this helps mate........... :thumbs:

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Cheers fro the replies lads it's much appreciated.


After using my Daystate for the past 7 or 8 years,I just fancy a change but don't want to be going backwards.Whats the recoil like on the gas rams...........?


Virtually nothing mate :victory:

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Thanks for the reply........so you would recommend one then?Sounds good.Have you had much success in the field with it?


Aye mate i have shot a few rabbits since i got it.Nice stopping power.In fact i had a fox in my sights about a week ago prob bout 15 20yards if i remember.Never took the shot but be curious as to what if i did?


I would certainly recommend it mate :victory:



I know what it would do just really hurt it and cause it to have a horrible wound!!


Be careful what you say mate It can be taken the wrong way and also make yourself look bad. I dont mean to sound condescending but you should only ever shoot airgun quarry.

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Thanks for the reply........so you would recommend one then?Sounds good.Have you had much success in the field with it?


Aye mate i have shot a few rabbits since i got it.Nice stopping power.In fact i had a fox in my sights about a week ago prob bout 15 20yards if i remember.Never took the shot but be curious as to what if i did?


I would certainly recommend it mate :victory:



I know what it would do just really hurt it and cause it to have a horrible wound!!


Be careful what you say mate It can be taken the wrong way and also make yourself look bad. I dont mean to sound condescending but you should only ever shoot airgun quarry.


I never took the shot and wouldn't have.I dont think you being condecending at all mate. good advice to anyone who would have taken the shot.Just not me.

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