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What f****d up the bull terrier were the hungry money men,they sold every last working bull they had,same with some of the working terrier strains,between the k c and the greedy b*****ds they sounded the death knell of the bulls.It was easier to concentrate on the working terriers then than to spend years trying to find a decent bull hidden away somewhere.Over here it was about getting the job done,when the bulls were not available the staffs were still being used,it takes a lot of genuine dog men to keep a strain going,hiopefully theres enough out there to get them back to their former glory.

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  jigsaw said:
What f****d up the bull terrier were the hungry money men,they sold every last working bull they had,same with some of the working terrier strains,between the k c and the greedy b*****ds they sounded the death knell of the bulls.It was easier to concentrate on the working terriers then than to spend years trying to find a decent bull hidden away somewhere.Over here it was about getting the job done,when the bulls were not available the staffs were still being used,it takes a lot of genuine dog men to keep a strain going,hiopefully theres enough out there to get them back to their former glory.


The question you really need to ask is why 100 odd years back when the bull and terrier breeds where being worked and tested on a more regular basis why did the Hinks type bull and terrier so quickly fall from favour with the working dog men? why did they choose to go back to using the original type bull and terrier (staff & pit type) the answer can only be that even back then the hinks type just didnt make the grade as a working dog (obviously there are exceptions but i'm talking about the breed as a whole)...if it wasnt for the kennel club and the show ring fancy the breed would have ceased to exist years ago!...not just my opinion but an Historical fact


some nice looking dogs on this thread...all the best with em

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  jigsaw said:
What f****d up the bull terrier were the hungry money men,they sold every last working bull they had,same with some of the working terrier strains,between the k c and the greedy b*****ds they sounded the death knell of the bulls.It was easier to concentrate on the working terriers then than to spend years trying to find a decent bull hidden away somewhere.Over here it was about getting the job done,when the bulls were not available the staffs were still being used,it takes a lot of genuine dog men to keep a strain going,hiopefully theres enough out there to get them back to their former glory.


The question you really need to ask is why 100 odd years back when the bull and terrier breeds where being worked and tested on a more regular basis why did the Hinks type bull and terrier so quickly fall from favour with the working dog men? why did they choose to go back to using the original type bull and terrier (staff & pit type) the answer can only be that even back then the hinks type just didnt make the grade as a working dog (obviously there are exceptions but i'm talking about the breed as a whole)...if it wasnt for the kennel club and the show ring fancy the breed would have ceased to exist years ago!...not just my opinion but an Historical fact


some nice looking dogs on this thread...all the best with em

or was it that these dog men sold out for the money,if that's the case it's down to the people who work them,they are to blame as much as the K.C. for destroying our working type's.i use'd to dig with a mate who had russel's,year's of breeding,serve'd him well,they were cracker's,then patterdale's became the fashion,of he goes get's rid of the lot and get's his patterdale's (now't wrong with that,they did him proud,great little dog's top worker's ) now year's latter he's moaning that you can't find a good russel for love or money,now who's fault could that be.because a dog get's recognise'd by the K.C. doe's that mean the following w/k that dog is no longer a worker. the E.B.T. is worked all over the world to this day apart from britain,if they can keep their working line's going around the world why was it not possible here.the same is/has happen'd to load's of our native breed's then year's later once it's to late we moan.if they could once do the job and we were happy with them why throw it all away?happy hunting lyndon.
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  dogman89 said:
does anyone think that a staffy from show lines would make any sort of worker, if it was brough up from a pup to work. it will be hunting with a lurcher???




A young KC dog that I used to own many years ago.

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  dogman89 said:
does anyone think that a staffy from show lines would make any sort of worker, if it was brough up from a pup to work. it will be hunting with a lurcher???
use'd to see quite a few 15 -20yr's ago,very usefull dog's.seen them bushing and drawing,there was a bloke back then,live'd over the valley was told that he had some there that were lucky to be 30lb in weight,i only seen them once or twice (never seen them working myself)but they were well marked up,looked a very good type,alway's on the go,the only way to know if they do it is to give them a try.best of luck with him/her 'dogman89'.
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  VOON said:
Hey Alaunte,


I was wondering how you went about approving the EBT, Did you find some old lines or crossbreed back to working staffords?



use'd old line's,then bred them for athleticism,quality bone not quantity,(people think heavy bone is good bone,not alway's) basically bred them how they did year's ago for speed and performance not like today mass and weight.remember they're called a bull TERRIER.most modern bull terrier's are looking like a bull dog with a feeked up head.
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Sound Alaunte,


Just looking at your dogs there, you seem to have come a long way with them quickly. How many generations did you have to breed before you began to get the type you wanted? May you found a stud/dam that stamped their type. NO DISRESPECT, just curious to know how long it takes to breed out show faults etc.



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