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Hi everyone, haven't been on the site for a little while as my son had a serious accident.

He was on a friends farm a few weeks ago quad biking with his mates. The weather was really bad and the fields were wet, the quad skidded into a fence and Sam hit the top of the wooden fence with his stomach. We took him straight to hospital thinking that maybe he had broken a rib but his ribs were fine, he was scanned all over but nothing showed up so kept him in hospital for observation. The following afternoon he got much worse and was rushed to theatre for emergency surgery. We later found out that he tore his small bowel completely in half. He was very ill and spent the next 2 days in intensive care and the next 4 days on the high dependancy unit. Sam is now home but is very weak but slowly getting better.

All the best W.D

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glad to hear your boy is gonna be ok mate, good to have ya back.


My son did something similar to his face with a quad bike and a wall a couple of years ago. Sounds like he was very lucky.


thank you he had the staples out monday the only problem know is part of the wound has started to open


alb W.D

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Wish him all the best ;)


And keep mothering/fathering him till he is sick of it :laugh:


Glad he's Better



SS :thumbs:


thank you SportingShooter' i am mothering/fathering one good thing his appetite as started to come back he dropped over a stone and a half in a week


atb W.D

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poor kid! i hope he recovers quickly!

when i was in school one of my friends jumped into a swimming pool and hit the bottom of the pool (yes he shouldnt have been jumping into the shallow end!) he landed funny but he didnt think anything of it until later that night. he got up to go to the bathroom and passed out. his parents rushed to the hospital where they found he'd ruptured his spleen and was bleeding internally. i forgot how much time he missed from school because of the surgery and recovery involved....

of course being a teen age boy it didnt take him long to figure out that showing off his scar was a great way to get attention and show off his chest :rolleyes:

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