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Hello all,


Found this forum as a result of a search for "ferreting"! I live in Florida in the U.S. and have 6 ferrets. All are what you would likely consider mere pets, but they do get to do their own version of hunting as I do allow them live prey as well as feed them an all natural diet.


I must say I envy you who get to see your ferrets in action! To be able to partner up with a fuzzy friend, trek the outdoors and eliminate a pest sounds like a great way to spend the day!


We aren't "allowed" to use ferrets like that here in the states. I suppose I could, but there would be some nosey busy body to turn me in to the authorities, so it isn't worth the risk. I'll have to continue to resign myself to allowing my ferrets to hunt the live prey I raise and offer to them.


I'll just say hello here and save my questions for other threads. Hope you don't mind a non hunter attending your forum. I do want to be clear that I am PRO hunting- just cannot hunt with ferrets here.




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Welcome to the forum! :bye: Keep your eye on the Ferreting section, it's a bit slow at the moment on the working side of things, but when it starts to get colder in a couple of months, that's when the fun of the ferreting season gets going. There'll be plenty of write ups & pictures of people working their ferrets for you to enjoy. :thumbs:

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hello and welcome, why cant you use ferrets over there ???


Anything I've researched so far says it isn't allowed. Apparently animal rights groups think its cruel for one animal to kill another. ANd even more cruel if a human lets the anima's natural predator erradicate aute little cotton tails that have become pests.


Oh well. My kids at least get to erradicate mice which I "ranch" for this specific purpose!




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Welcome to the Site Kim.

Enjoy your stay with us.... and as has been said.........The ferreting season starts here very soon and there will be some interesting posts and pictures.




Rolfe. ;)

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