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badger badger badger

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I just shot me my first badger! Was sitting in a tree stand since 8pm in a meadow lots of roedeer around me when I felt that there was something moving at the edge of the woods.. looked through my binos and there she was - missus badger.

as it was already getting darker, I turned on the red dot and let her have it. 110meters - 308win.






I skinned it and will bring it to the taxidermist tomorrow...


do you guys hunt badgers?

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Guest click03

In Germany the laws maybe diffrent....... but,never could see the point of killing , for the sake of it !!


Is there a cull needed for some animals , or not enough land for them !!


Too many people & houses possibly?

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i suppose the population has to be contolled but i for one think your a tramp mate


We aint allowed to kill badgers over here. they are protected, why??? god knows, they have never been endangered and never will be if the population at present is anything to go by. i think it was bought in just to stop the badger baiting because its pretty cruel. what i dont get is how someone who is on a hunting life forum can call someone for shooting an animal.....who decides that a badger is more important than a rabbit or a fox or a pigeon?

In fact the welsh assembly government have seen the light with regards to badgers and TB and they are allowing a controlled cull in certain hotspot areas.

heres a question for you all:


Im making an assumption here that the answer will be no, kill the bloody rats so why why why are people so against a cull of badgers?

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Is there a cull needed for some animals , or not enough land for them !!


The problem is not sufficient habitat, the problem is the lack of predators to decimate the population of other predators, i.e. fox, badger and so on. lynx and eagle owl for example do prey on these smaller predators, so does wolf. and if you have even the littlest common knowledge about biology, you might know, that a population that grows beyond natural capacities will be most probably decimated by disease. You guys don't have the rabies over there as far as I know - we do. In the 1970s Foxhides (holes? what are they called?) were gassed to get a hold of rabies.


Another reason for shooting a badger - same as for shooting a fox, crows or a stray cat - is that I do want to have a balanced polpulation of predators in the area I hunt. Since we started hunting predators a lot more than the occasional fox some years ago, guess what. We do have patridge, pheasant and hare in masses now.


By the way, badger is delicious and the pelt (?) does look nice...

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Nice Shooting mate.

I for one think the ban on shooting Badgers should be lifted, these animals are known carriers of Bovine TB these animals are a threat to our Cattle Farming trade, I have a number of shoots and they are all cattle and Sheep farmers. EVERY FARMER on my shoots want these animals culled, 1 in particular is overrun with them and curses the governments legislation.

Our farmers have it hard enough.


Bovine TB

Foot and Mouth

Blue Tongue


The list goes on and on.


We are not talking eradication, we are not talking killing for the sake of it, its about management of our Countryside,

Anyone who thinks otherwise is in the wrong forum or perhaps Bill Oddie has brainwashed you.


Love to get a reaction from those sitting on the fence, :wallbash:

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i live on a scottish island on the west coast of scotland and we dont have badgers. If we did and they wernt a problem then i would leave them alone BUT if there were far too many or they were causing harm then i would have no problem shooting them. For me it comes down to how rare something is. now and again(about twice a year) i see golden and sea eagles and they are amazing. IF there were hundreds of them and i saw them every day, then they would need controling and they would be shot. I definately dont Fall for the nice wee cuddly animal stuff.


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