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dog runs

Guest hunterpoppy

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Guest hunterpoppy

hi there i make dog runs :7ft long / 4ft wide /5ft high

:8ft long / 5ft wide /5ft high

:8ft long / 6ft wide /5ft high (this size is the biggest ones i make)


also can make smaller runs if wanted ?

made to order in the county durham area if any ones intrested pm me back thanks


they dont have kennels there just runs but can make as well?


i will put sum pics on [bANNED TEXT]when ive finished the one am making for a custamer at the moment



Edited by hunterpoppy
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  hunterpoppy said:
you havent seen mine so you cant go asuming thing can you


well i wouldnt trust a blind man building my kennels :tongue2:




there is a for sale section for stuff like this :thumbs:

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  hunterpoppy said:


well seen as this should be in the for sale section ...............you are only allowed to bump your posts once every 7 days .

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  P.Carter said:
Why do people reply to their own threads with 'bump' what does it mean like?


to bump it back up to the top mate

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