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Question for mole trappers

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Right, I recently had a call to clear the moles out of a paddock of about 2 acres-ish. The place was black with mole hills! Hundreds of them covering alot of the area....... anyway, when im trapping a place with so many workings, I always aim for the fresher looking hills. But on checking my traps the next day, I only found one mole!! I moved some of the traps a wee bit, but the next day there was no more luck :hmm:


Since then the land has been harrowed and no more hills have appeared, which makes me think that this one mole has caused all that damage.


So, exactly how much damage can one mole do? Obviously a shortage of worms will make them do more digging, but will the mole still patrol through the vast maze it has created? As there were fresh hills at different parts of the place. Another point, the mole trapped was a big male.



Cheers all



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Hi dnn, As for my little experience of moles, i found very territorial, you trap one then another moves in later on!! heres a pic of one i trapped as no doubt people will agree they are a fantastic looking creature, but to keep your permish you got to keep landowner happy.


Edited by dodgie
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Sometimes you will find that if the field is as black as you say it is, there WILL be more moles, but as the field is already like a labyrinth of hundreds of tunnels, they dont really need to dig more tunnels (the cause of molehills) therefore there wont look like there is much activity on the surface when in fact there is still quite a bit.

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Sometimes you will find that if the field is as black as you say it is, there WILL be more moles, but as the field is already like a labyrinth of hundreds of tunnels, they dont really need to dig more tunnels (the cause of molehills) therefore there wont look like there is much activity on the surface when in fact there is still quite a bit.


:clapper: Move the traps around a bit more D-n-N,...

Maybe rest the field for a few days, then go in 'armed and dangerous' :laugh:

As trappa so rightly says,.there WILL be more moles :thumbs:


All the best,..CHALKWARREN... :drink:

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Sometimes you will find that if the field is as black as you say it is, there WILL be more moles, but as the field is already like a labyrinth of hundreds of tunnels, they dont really need to dig more tunnels (the cause of molehills) therefore there wont look like there is much activity on the surface when in fact there is still quite a bit.


:clapper: Move the traps around a bit more D-n-N,...

Maybe rest the field for a few days, then go in 'armed and dangerous' :laugh:

As trappa so rightly says,.there WILL be more moles :thumbs:


All the best,..CHALKWARREN... :drink:


Thats the wierd thing.... the field is now bare :icon_eek: Its been a few weeks since harrowing now and theres nowt fresh :hmm: I will just keep an eye on it and let you know if more appear.


Cheers all for the help

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Sometimes you will find that if the field is as black as you say it is, there WILL be more moles, but as the field is already like a labyrinth of hundreds of tunnels, they dont really need to dig more tunnels (the cause of molehills) therefore there wont look like there is much activity on the surface when in fact there is still quite a bit.

:clapper: Move the traps around a bit more D-n-N,...

Maybe rest the field for a few days, then go in 'armed and dangerous' :laugh:

As trappa so rightly says,.there WILL be more moles :thumbs:

All the best,..CHALKWARREN... :drink:

Thats the wierd thing.... the field is now bare :icon_eek: Its been a few weeks since harrowing now and theres nowt fresh :hmm: I will just keep an eye on it and let you know if more appear.

Cheers all for the help

Baffled me that one. Its hard to work things out without seeing it firsthand, but i would be very surprised if one mole caused hundreds of molehills, and caused the field to be as black as a black mans cape! very surprised indeed.

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Harrowing the field can cause massive damage to tunnel systems and kill / disorientate a lot of moles. I once had to wait 12 weeks for new activity on a 60 acre field that had been harrowed, but sure as eggs are eggs they reappeared, then I hit them hard. I trapped 29 moles and the field is still quite 10 weeks after trapping, but lets not kid ourselves concerning moles as long as the runs remain in the fields ( as they have for 1000's of years) other moles will return to take up abode and the circle continues.

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I presume that there were more moles responsible for the damage, but their not there no more, as ive found that the old tunnels are now becoming overgrown with grass roots.

Was a strange one for me, which is why I put up the topic, as I was fully expecting to pick up over half a dozen from the paddock. well whatever happened to them, I dont know, but it saved me the job and I still got paid!!

Cheers all

Edited by dogs-n-natives
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Guest jbswildlife

a single mole will distroy an acre of ground all by itself. if its a case of many mole hills it may mean that the tunnels are being damage daily making the mole repair the area as a daily chore. check to see if horses use the patch.

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