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Arguments with the other half

Guest buster321c

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Ive been married 26 years this year, and we still feckin argue. :wallbash: . We seem to argue over

my son who is 21, my wife thinks the sun shines out of is arse :wallbash: I think when women

have kids, they loose part of there brain :clapper: RANT OVER :victory:


ray BIRD


well said, gotta agree with the son part...same problem here :clapper:

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in my opinion all women all mad in the head ,how many of you lads on here are only living with your other halves because its convient .If circumstances were different and you had plenty of money how many of you would still stay with them.

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Ive been married 26 years this year, and we still feckin argue. :wallbash: . We seem to argue over

my son who is 21, my wife thinks the sun shines out of is arse :wallbash: I think when women

have kids, they loose part of there brain :clapper: RANT OVER :victory:


ray BIRD




its not part of the brain, its the whole f*****g thing............. :icon_eek:

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Guest gaz100604

the hunting life me balls. some of you guys here are a disgrace to men :thumbdown:

get her out of the bed man and leave the bitch sleep on the sofa. if you dont want to be with her f**k her off and do your own thing. thats the most pityfull excuse for a marraige ive ever heard off you do f**k all as a couple.appears like your living seperate lives. women the whole lot of em are lunatics .


sort your shit out and stop moaning on here like a little bitch for fucks sake grow balls and be a man :wallbash:

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the hunting life me balls. some of you guys here are a disgrace to men :thumbdown:

get her out of the bed man and leave the bitch sleep on the sofa. if you dont want to be with her f**k her off and do your own thing. thats the most pityfull excuse for a marraige ive ever heard off you do f**k all as a couple.appears like your living seperate lives. women the whole lot of em are lunatics .


sort your shit out and stop moaning on here like a little bitch for fucks sake grow balls and be a man :wallbash:

:clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: now buster put that in your pipe and smoke it :big_boss:

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the hunting life me balls. some of you guys here are a disgrace to men :thumbdown:

get her out of the bed man and leave the bitch sleep on the sofa. if you dont want to be with her f**k her off and do your own thing. thats the most pityfull excuse for a marraige ive ever heard off you do f**k all as a couple.appears like your living seperate lives. women the whole lot of em are lunatics .


sort your shit out and stop moaning on here like a little bitch for fucks sake grow balls and be a man :wallbash:



Like a mixture of Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer/Trisha and.............Captain Caveman :laugh:

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Guest gaz100604
oh for f**k sake the guy is snivelling in his hanky like a little baby. its pathetic , man or mouse?



As Jerry would say, "Take care of yourself.....and each other" :laugh:



lol suckers

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Guest gaz100604
oh for f**k sake the guy is snivelling in his hanky like a little baby. its pathetic , man or mouse?

Squeak :D

anyone for cheese :icon_redface:



im sorry this guy is the defination of a pussy he deserves to be abused , "which cheese to you perfer sir "

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Guest buster321c
oh for f**k sake the guy is snivelling in his hanky like a little baby. its pathetic , man or mouse?

Squeak :D

anyone for cheese :icon_redface:



im sorry this guy is the defination of a pussy he deserves to be abused , "which cheese to you perfer sir "




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