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Arguments with the other half

Guest buster321c

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Guest buster321c

You know how when you argue about the most stupid bollox , and it just esculates out of control ? Sometimes thing are said that can`t be taken back , how do you cope with these situations ? And whats the worst thing you`ve said / been told ?

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Ye i know that one, im normally the ` ignore it and it`ll go away ` type but tonight , i gotta say , she`s really hurt me . Cow !!!!!!


She is probably hurting for saying it as well, maybe just see how things pan out tonight & perhaps try to meet halfway tomorrow :thumbs:

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Guest buster321c

Dont know about that mate , i`ll never forgive her for this one , and yes she may well feel bad, but it was deliberate , i could tell what was going to be said and i tried to stop it , but that seemed to make her want to do it all the more .

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Its always best to just sleep on it and see what she's like in the morning,- just think before you speak first.

My work-mate got his dinner over his head just for saying it tasted "funny" ( Honest ),- It may have been "that time of the month ". Vicious little buggers at times. I don't suppose most mean what they say. !

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Guest buster321c

I dont have to think before speak , as i often try to just let it all go , tonight i went out in the car got half way to Lichfield ( my permission ) and realised id`e left my pellets in the house !! otherwise id`e have been out till about 3 am and avoided the second half !!

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Guest hpool_hunter

all me and my other half seem to do is argue about the most stupid of things , been going on for 3 years , we did finish at one point and i moved away from the area , but realised what i was missing , her and my daughter , so we worked through it , even now though we argue and i end up just taking the dog for a wander ,


1 point last year she said the worst thing ever to me - and it gutted me , that my daughter wasnt mine , to this day i have never forgiving her and she no's it , but you cant let petty arguments drag you both down , work through it , if you think its worth it . :thumbs:

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all me and my other half seem to do is argue about the most stupid of things , been going on for 3 years , we did finish at one point and i moved away from the area , but realised what i was missing , her and my daughter , so we worked through it , even now though we argue and i end up just taking the dog for a wander ,


1 point last year she said the worst thing ever to me - and it gutted me , that my daughter wasnt mine , to this day i have never forgiving her and she no's it , but you cant let petty arguments drag you both down , work through it , if you think its worth it . :thumbs:


Thats got to be the worst thing any bloke wants to hear

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Guest hpool_hunter
all me and my other half seem to do is argue about the most stupid of things , been going on for 3 years , we did finish at one point and i moved away from the area , but realised what i was missing , her and my daughter , so we worked through it , even now though we argue and i end up just taking the dog for a wander ,


1 point last year she said the worst thing ever to me - and it gutted me , that my daughter wasnt mine , to this day i have never forgiving her and she no's it , but you cant let petty arguments drag you both down , work through it , if you think its worth it . :thumbs:


Thats got to be the worst thing any bloke wants to hear


oOo it gutted me , to this day i dont know the truth , even my mother says she looks like me , but point is , was to scared to get a DNA done to be honest , shes my daughter regardless , and thats how its staying . :yes:

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Guest buster321c

Well thts what im thinking , is it really worth it ? We`ve been together for about 20 yrs and it aint always been easy , but im really gettin tired of the constant agro . Its like ........... i dont bloody know what its like anymore .

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Well thts what im thinking , is it really worth it ? We`ve been together for about 20 yrs and it aint always been easy , but im really gettin tired of the constant agro . Its like ........... i dont bloody know what its like anymore .


well it depends if theres anything left to salvage , if you think there is then work at it

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Guest buster321c

I dare say that im responsable for making her feel in some way like doing and saying these things , but i do 10 hour shifts , 6 days a week . get home and take the kids out somewhere every night , and i mean every night , dont drink ( she has nagged me for years over this and anything for a quiet life ) dont smoke , all my money goes in the bank ( to which i dont have a cash card , but she does ) her wages, although get eaten up by the house and life in general , is her money . I do my own food for work , and most nights , but she does wash and iron my clothes .

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