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well today woodga ratcherman teapot molly were off ferreting ,so he said leave the wires down another night and i would collect the gold today ,so 6.30 arrived tipping it down from the heavens i pulled my slef into the jeep nad set off the 45 min journey on the long road to the snaring ground only to be greeted up there by grey over cast weather , i did not think there would be many caught due to there previous haul ,see other thread ,how wrong was i ,we had had rain most of the night so i did not expect the rabbits to travel to far from the wood but as the night and early morn broke they must of been out again foxy had taken one or two so they would of ended up with more ,anyway on i move along the wood edge picking them up til the last wire was picked , i loaded the jeep and headed back down the road to meet up with the motley crew and unload there catch another good job done by the lads :yes:








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Not bad for a messer :D ............nice one mate, good do ;)



messer :tongue2:


a couple of them rabbits look snared round the waist , amateur


yeah i was only collecting the catch pure amatuer got to agree :whistling::whistling::tongue2: , the old fella is getting over 50 now eyes going and the like :tongue2:

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:D yeah you have to keep an eye out for him , tho he did get his own back when i fell over the fence into the ditch and nettled me napper ooooo i can still feel the heat on ,me head :whistling: i will not say he fell over the other day ferreting because i said i would nt do it , things fine here hope you is too
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