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solving bitching on THL - ive found an answer :-)

Guest hpool_hunter

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Guest hpool_hunter

right , reading through alot of recent topics / posts , the amount of * bitching* seems to be getting worse , ruining good topics , i suggest we have our very own little part of the forum were there is a NOMINATED agony aunt / uncle lol and people can thrash out there opinions in there , :clapper:





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Sod the agony aunt, what we need it a pair of duelling pistols. Meet on neutral ground, walk 10 paces & BANG! Problem sorted. :thumbs:

United Counties Showground is quite big Mal? :laugh:


I have a pair of Dueling Pistols :whistling:

there you go problem solved lol :gunsmilie:

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Can we do aTHL problem page...?

Dear Comanche my girlfriend is carrying another man's child .What should I be doing ? I forgot to add that we have a daughter of our own .

from "Straight"of Brighton.


C says;

Well "Straight" of Brighton. Obviously you should buy her some glasses.This will stop her picking -up the wrong child. Or could it be that your own kid is an ugly little bugger and she is trying to swap it for something better? Also tell her to make sure she knows how to lift correctly or she could damage her back.



Dear Comanche I have been pregnant for three months and until recently have had an easy time. For the past few days I have been suffering bad heartburn . Does this mean that I will have a very hairy baby?....

from "Worried" of Crawley.

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I think it should be me..........friendly, willing to see both sides, level headed, polite..........yes, I think I would be perfect :yes:


I forgot to add..........well liked!!

Edited by WILF
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