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Ok amuse me lol I will start it off.


Never, never, interrupt me, okay? Not if there's a fire, not even if you hear the sound of a thud from my home and one week later there's a smell coming from there that can only be a decaying human body and you have to hold a hanky to your face because the stench is so thick that you think you're going to faint. Even then, don't come knocking. Or, if it's election night, and you're excited and you wanna celebrate because some fudgepacker that you date has been elected the first queer president of the United States and he's going to have you down to Camp David, and you want someone to share the moment with. Even then, don't knock. Not on this door. Not for ANY reason. Do you get me, sweetheart?

Edited by scothunter
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one of my favourite film quotes is "holy sh*t,you're from texas??only steers and queers come outta texas and you don't look much like a cow to me. kinda narrows it down a bit,doesn't it?!" :clapper: anyone know it?shouldn't be too hard,it's a well known one!

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Guest hpool_hunter



Jay: I am the master of the C.L.I.T. Remember this f*****g face. Whenever you see C.L.I.T., you'll see this f*****g face. I make that shit work. It does whatever the f**k I tell it to. No one rules the C.L.I.T like me. Not this little f**k



Jay: , none of you little fucks out there. I AM THE C.L.I.T. COMMANDER! Remember that, commander of all C.L.I.T.s! When it comes down to business, this is what I do. I pinch it like this. OOH you little f**k. Then I rub my nose with it. :clapper:

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'What do you mean, out?'


'It means not f**king in, OUT!'


What the f**k does that mean Greyo?

What does what mean?

That, "ambition is f**king critical."

It says "ambition is critical." There's no "f**king" in it.

It's a play on words, Dylan Thomas,


The poet, Dylan Thomas. He said "Swansea, is the graveyard of ambition", and he was right

Did he write that?

No, council wrote that, or they probably employed another poet to do a little ditty and he, or she, came up with that.

"Ambition, is, critical"

Three words? They got a poet do do three f**king words?

You can have as many words as you like in a poem, it doesn't matter.

Is it supposed to be funny?

No, it's supposed to be clever!

Dylan Thomas also called Swansea, "an ugly, lovely town".

I'd call it... a Pretty Shitty City.

Dylan Thomas didn't do as much f*****g cocaine as you, did he?

At least mine f**king rhymes, "Pretty, Shitty, City," Three f**king words, I like it!


A few quotes from my favourite film of all time!

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