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Hello everyone,

my dog has colitis, I've had him to the vet and she put him on a course of anti-biotics and sugested a bland diet of fish, chicken and rice. His condition got better and I've kept him on the diet, but today he passed quite a lot of blood with his stools.

What advice do you have for me. I will take him back to the vet tomorrow but I'm a bit wary of another course of anti-biotics as the first had side affects.

Many thanks.

Rob.......worried dog owner.

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Guest buster321c

just water over night and vet tommorow , thats what i would do mate , good luck anyway . A friend of mine has has a cav spaniel which is very bad with digestion problems and on specialist diet , maybe a path you could look into ? :thumbs: Buster

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Colitis means an inflammation of the colon and as such isn't an illness but a symptom. The cause of the inflammation is what needs sorting ie infection, diet etc. As above fluids in acute cases then bland diet untill treated. If there is an infective cause then antobiotics may well be needed.

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Guest little lurcher

also try live natural yoghurt , i have italian greyhounds and this is a condition they are prone to, also have some maalox ( order at pharmacy) in the cupboard , try switching to a more natural diet too , raw chicken minced is god or cook it with rice , this should be soft enough to settle the stomach , if you need any more help pm your number and ill call you

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i have a cocker that has had trouble with colitis,

treatment that was advised by a pal was just water and no food for 24 hours, then small ammounts of rice and boiled chicken for the next day or so, it worked for me but i am no a vet just passing on experience !

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My beddyxwhippet had it twice as a pup.I put her on a cooked chicken and rice diet for a week and also gave her Bio yoghurt.Fingers crossed she has had no problems since.Do some research via Google and you will find lots of treatments including a good few homeopathic remedies which i honestly believe are best.As already said colitis covers anything involving the lower bowel,so may be something as silly as diet.I give my dogs live yoghurt and a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar at least once a week,and i believe this helps keep the gut in order.I wouldn't get to wound up at the mo mate.HTH'S,Bill :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I’d let all you kind people who offered help and advice know how my dear friend (my dog) is getting on.

I listened to your good advice and I starved him for 36 hours, plenty of fresh water.

I then began feeding him small meals of chicken, potatoes, chicken gravy and crumbled rice cakes, liberal doses of Bachs rescue remedy.

Over a period of three days I gradually increased his food and as a treat I gave him organic live yogurt (thanks little lurcher) mixed with honey and pear juice, chopped pear, and again crumbled rice cakes.

He’s still on the same diet but now on full portions, and I’m delighted to say that the blasted colitis is under control, just tiny spots of blood on his stools. But best of all he’s relaxed and happy again.

Thanks to you all, especially ESS (Steve) top bloke mate, hope I can be of help to you sometime.

I’m not anti-vet but the tablets prescribed made my dog worse, he really was ill, wish I’d never given the damn things to him.

There's some damn good people on this forum. :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Rob.......relieved dog owner. :victory::victory:

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Just another update for you all.

Friday was a day I’ll not forget for some time, my dog had a bad turn, bleeding badly from his bum, got him to the vets PDQ, a locum vet examined him and found a growth about one inch inside, my heart hit the floor. She said it would be best for them to keep him in and do an internal examination under anaesthetic with a camera thing. She said I will give you an idea of what it's going to cost, I said I was not interested in the cost, its got to be done so lets get on with it.

The rest of the day was a blur, got a phone call from the vet about 4.00pm telling me she had operated on my dog and removed the growth and she was quite optimistic that the operation was a total success.

I collected him on Saturday afternoon and he’s making amazing progress, he’s on three types of medication twice a day.

I should get the results of the growth from the lab Thursday, so its fingers crossed.

So! if any of you reading this has a dog bleeding from its bum, get an internal done, it could save your dogs life.


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Just another update for you all.

Friday was a day I’ll not forget for some time, my dog had a bad turn, bleeding badly from his bum, got him to the vets PDQ, a locum vet examined him and found a growth about one inch inside, my heart hit the floor. She said it would be best for them to keep him in and do an internal examination under anaesthetic with a camera thing. She said I will give you an idea of what it's going to cost, I said I was not interested in the cost, its got to be done so lets get on with it.

The rest of the day was a blur, got a phone call from the vet about 4.00pm telling me she had operated on my dog and removed the growth and she was quite optimistic that the operation was a total success.

I collected him on Saturday afternoon and he’s making amazing progress, he’s on three types of medication twice a day.

I should get the results of the growth from the lab Thursday, so its fingers crossed.

So! if any of you reading this has a dog bleeding from its bum, get an internal done, it could save your dogs life.



Feck me Rob you fellout of the lucky tree didnt you? Hope hes on the mend and the wallet wont hurt too much..fingers crossed for you and your dog



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Another update for all you kind people who took an interest in my plight, got the results back from the lab and the growth is non malignant, I'm over the moon.

My dog is making a truly excellent recovery and other than a shaven bum hole, you'd not know he'd had surgery. Todays vets are wonderful.

Here's a photo of him tonight in his favourite pose in his favourite chair (mine)

Rob......really happy again.



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