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summer digging

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Well said p***y, quarry deserve a chance to find their feet, get stronger and learn to fend for themselves. When this time comes (Mid Sep) they are ready to be tackled with terriers, hounds, lurchers or watever. Its a shame that they aren't giving the respect and time that they deserve. I know there are some genuine lads out there that are digging strictly for pest control reasons and this has to be done but lets face it there are a lot of 'cowboys' digging away all year round and doing nothing but destroying there own sport. These boys aren't huntsmen at all.....

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i dont like digging in the summer but sometimes you got to do it to keep farmer happy avoid it as much as possible i also think this may be a cultural thing as i will explain i now live in england and you need permission to work your terriers properly but in ireland a lot of lads dont even know who owns the land they hunt and also if anyone else is hunting the same ground most good holes are known by quite a few lads and get checked a lot so by digging in the summer your not only ruining it for yourself but probably for a lot of other digging boys so get out and road walk those terriers now and they will be ready to start at the end of september

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