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Lightweight versus heavy weight .223 rifles

Guest JohnGalway

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Guest JohnGalway

Hi folks,


I hate this feeling, I know what's coming, money out of pocket. Don't know when, or how :icon_redface: but it's bugging me...


I have my Remington VL SS since last August ('07). I like it, I'm happy with how it shoots. I'm not happy with what it weighs, especially after getting this irritating tendonitis I notice my shoulder complaining now when it never used to.




I'm wondering, am I as well off making plans to do yet another rifle trade. There's that worrying and inherent risk a new or different rifle won't be a shooter.


I'm not stuck on the idea of a factory rifle either, semi suctom could be an idea, as long as the price was right. Again, just pondering the idea in my mind.


Leaving aside peppering prarie dogs and heating up the barrel. How do the heavy profile barrels compare to the light barrels accuracy wise?


This is a bit of an unformed topic really, as I've not settled the issue in my head yet.


Thoughts, suggestions, comments, reality checks?!


Edited ---- Using factory not handloaded ammo, as that's what I'm stuck with.

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john no difference in accuracy really, yes once the lighter barrrel heats up the group will indeed open up. but for everyday use the lighter barrel will do the same job.......heavy barrel are ok for target work or something which requires lots of shots in a short space of time.

If the heavy barrel is causing you pain i would have no second thoughts about changing to a light barrel...........

i will send a pm to you about semi-custom work......... :thumbs:

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A lightweight Semi Custom? Hmmmm...... Food for though John.


Obviously the Main consideration I would give in a Semi Custom would be the Barrel, one that could be tuned to a brand of Ammunition and whose weight suited you.


And a stock which was also produced to a weight that suits you. Specification is your main player, You will end up with a damn near full custom no doubt :laugh:


Heavy Profile barrels take longer to heat up than light ones as Im sure you know, and the accuracy will remain constant for longer. But there is nothing that stops a light barrel being accurate. Just that it will heat after less shots and loose accuracy faster.


Sorry is that sounds very General John.



SS :thumbs:

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John I'm getting the CZ varmint with the HS stock as you know. It has a medium barrel @24" and the gun is not on the heavy side at all. I'm willing to let you shoot it to see what you think of it when the license comes though. I must say the 2 varmints I have shot at the range were the business

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How much would it cost to have the rifle rebarreled? Although not quickly changeable you could keep the heavier barrel for future use. I've had several rifles rebareled here and it wasn't terribly expensive, Although not cheap either.

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John, same boat as you. Even the SPS tactical is too heavy for prolonged field use. Out all weekend and I know I've been carrying it! Also it doesn't shoot the Wolf ammo so I shall be keeping the Remington for targets and selling the Howa (at least that's my plan, it may well change!).


Write-up of the weekend to follow from Deker I'm sure, but Outshooting - thanks VV VV VV much :)


Accuracy from a light barrel should be the same but it heats up and goes off quicker. Tikka T3 shoots pretty accurately, Deker's does anyway and that's with el-crappo ammo. I am likely to get a CZ, since they're cheap and I've never found one that wasn't a shooter from the off.

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anyone else find that the lighter the rifle the more your heartbeat and breath moves it. I know I do anyway


John as you know my bro had a sako 75 hunter, which is a light'ish rifle. I found it more difficult to shoot at longer distances as it moved around more, saying that you'll still nail a fox "not a bother" within normal foxing conditions 100-200 yards.


A light, low recoiling hunting rifle with lovely wood and some german glass would be a nice thing to have when lamping on foot.


I can see where you are coming from. Been trying to buy or decide to build a house for the last 8 months and I haven't spent a penny on shooting. I have a big lump of cash saved for a deposit and I get some serious urges or G.A.S.



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