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tail docking

Guest Taffybull

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Guest Taffybull

hey .. just wondering if eny of yous can help me out? just wondering what the score is on tail dockin .. is ther diferent rules for difrent places? * my friend has a litter of jackrussel/patts on ther way and is wanting to know how he will go buy getting them docked..


any help will be superb :good:


cheers ATB



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Guest Eamon.Mc
  Taffybull said:
hey .. just wondering if eny of yous can help me out? just wondering what the score is on tail dockin .. is ther diferent rules for difrent places? * my friend has a litter of jackrussel/patts on ther way and is wanting to know how he will go buy getting them docked..


any help will be superb :good:


cheers ATB




If he's n the south of Ireland he's ok, he dock away if he's in the so called uk he has to pay a vet and get the right paperwork.

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  Taffybull said:
hey .. just wondering if eny of yous can help me out? just wondering what the score is on tail dockin .. is ther diferent rules for difrent places? * my friend has a litter of jackrussel/patts on ther way and is wanting to know how he will go buy getting them docked..

any help will be superb :good:

cheers ATB




Do a search on here, you will find all the info you need.

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  Cupid Stunt said:
  Taffybull said:
hey .. just wondering if eny of yous can help me out? just wondering what the score is on tail dockin .. is ther diferent rules for difrent places? * my friend has a litter of jackrussel/patts on ther way and is wanting to know how he will go buy getting them docked..

any help will be superb :good:

cheers ATB




Do a search on here, you will find all the info you need.

search will tell ! you can have them docked if you can prove you have ligitimate work for them

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