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entering ferrets

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Really sorry as this has prob been discussed before but i notice that there is quite a lot of variation in the entering ages that the books give. i can't remember what age ours were when we first started to work them. thing is we've had some kits which have now all gone (save one) thank god, and i was wondering...

when do you start them?

i realise it depends on the litter and how outward the strain are but about when



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I was told to wait till they were one but i tried them anyway at about 4 months,i picked an easy warren were i could see them exit and would not be to difficult to dig and they just did what came natural

Edited by pmatty77
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I've two hob kits that are say... 14(?) weeks old now and im planning on trying them out on some clear, shallow warrens about half way through the season.


Hobs can usually start a bit before jills because they are a bit bigger and stronger but its really up to you to decide whether they are ready or not.

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