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mr tea pots snaring adventure

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well mr teapot has had a lesson on how effective the humble rabbit snare is when set correctly here we are empyting a few peg wires yesterday morning we only had the one chance to snare this field as cattle were being transfered into the field on the same morning as we checked pity or a good catch could have been had any way here are a few pictures from yesterday. :victory:


two rabbits on the same run :good:

another double


another :notworthy:


a few singles








the first check was for 21

the end of yesterday as we were setting we went back and checked them before we left and had caught another 65 not a bad days work for new shiney wires


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Nice pictures Woodga.......I have a railway embankment that is riddled with rabbits to do as soon as the stock is off the field. Last time I snared it i put 250 wires out along its half mile length, in three nights I took 187 rabbits off the field, and old Charlie had his share too.

Nice to see you make the point that it makes little difference if the wires are dull or shiny bright.....they are all the same colour after dark ;) Thats a nice bag of bunnies anyway by any standards well done to you both.





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Excellent haul and great pictures as usual. Where do you put your marker pegs as I don't see any on the pics?

camera man and marker pin picker upper all in one :victory: usually low in the grass so only i know where to look away from prying eyes

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another good catch ,shiney new wires too another myth laid to rest ,i wash mine first ,then bury them 2.4 inch below the suface covered in plain flour not self raising this weathers them to a perfect colour then boil for 5 mins then bobs your uncle a fully working snare , :rolleyes::whistling: ,see what tomorrow brings i hope there is a good bag to collect for me

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another good catch ,shiney new wires too another myth laid to rest ,i wash mine first ,then bury them 2.4 inch below the suface covered in plain flour not self raising this weathers them to a perfect colour then boil for 5 mins then bobs your uncle a fully working snare , :rolleyes::whistling: ,see what tomorrow brings i hope there is a good bag to collect for me

That's where I've been going wrong, I've been burying mine 2.3 inches deep in self raising flour. :icon_redface:

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:clapper::clapper: you know now its only 2.4 inches :victory:

iv a few more pictures from this morning when i down load them

here you go a few more pictures for you to peruse









we were not the only ones having rabbits from the fence snares a badger had this one


and a fox had this one


i see igot the job of gutting and legging AGAIN

35 this morning not a bad session thats 127 rabbits in 1day and amorning snaring :victory: pity the fox was prowling as was the brock that will have kept a few at home

well you can get them all .but good fun trying :victory::clapper:

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Good going lads, nice result.... Handcuffs & Baby Lotion, sounds like mr teapot has been getting ridden like a blackpool donkey... :D


Just on another note, about the snares weathering, I'm not an expert by any means, but myself and pegandgun were out the other day, and he openly admits that he weathers all his snares, especially at this time of year when rabbits are more active during the day, we set out new and weathered peg snares and over a two day period the weathered snares took far more...Although as you state overnight it shouldn't make a difference....

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