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who can carry on the legacy

Guest bigredbusa

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Guest bigredbusa

youve heard about the famous dogs , what about the people who made these dogs and the breeds , is there any up and coming names in this day of age or is it still the old names ie hancock , plummer


come on who's gonna put there neck on the line and say your the bollocks or know someone in the last 15 years say who has stuck with it and now have a line of new breeding worthy of talking about.


all these mate of a mates breeding we hear of but no names , if these top dog lines are out there we wanna know about it .



or are them dogs just one off's ?




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  gavmac said:
What famous dogs did Hancock or Plummer breed?

Touch'e...........What Plummer actually did was write very readable entertaining books,he and Hancock realised the potential,it was right time right place for both,as for REAL "Hunters-all" as Plummer called them,at the time the only medium for communication was "Shooting-news" most of the guys who hunted for sale like Minshaw,or McPhee,the "Real-deals" never got the exposure back then that Plummers written-word gave his black-country contingent.

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  mackem said:
  gavmac said:
What famous dogs did Hancock or Plummer breed?

Touch'e...........What Plummer actually did was write very readable entertaining books,he and Hancock realised the potential,it was right time right place for both,as for REAL "Hunters-all" as Plummer called them,at the time the only medium for communication was "Shooting-news" most of the guys who hunted for sale like Minshaw,or McPhee,the "Real-deals" never got the exposure back then that Plummers written-word gave his black-country contingent.

What Mcphee would that be F Mcphee?

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  gavmac said:
  bigredbusa said:
so are you saying there wasnt any ? is it just about who can write a tale or two .

Can you name any ?

Just a genuine question

Scan a magazine,turn on the TV,flick open a newspaper,get on-line,walk through a city center,your being constantly bombarded with visual images for brand-named products,subliminal messages,.........Merle......Timmy...............Romulan..................I am wearing Nike-trainers at thye moment,I actually paid them for the privelege of wearing their adverts on my feet,back then we bought Plummers adverts in hardback form. ;)

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  gavmac said:
  mackem said:
  gavmac said:
What famous dogs did Hancock or Plummer breed?

Touch'e...........What Plummer actually did was write very readable entertaining books,he and Hancock realised the potential,it was right time right place for both,as for REAL "Hunters-all" as Plummer called them,at the time the only medium for communication was "Shooting-news" most of the guys who hunted for sale like Minshaw,or McPhee,the "Real-deals" never got the exposure back then that Plummers written-word gave his black-country contingent.

What Mcphee would that be F Mcphee?

Nope,it was Tommy McPhee.

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I feel the same as AdamR I know a few decent dogmen who have consistently had good dogs over the years, keeping the same line going for generations, but it would be sacrilage to put their names in the same thread as pretenders like Plummer and Hancock :thumbdown:

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