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out for a shine

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just in from lamping had a good night got 6,new bitch got 3,remus got 2 and the other was caught out of the lamp dont know what got that 1.here's some pics will put some more up later.





Must have been a crackin nights sport, great pictures, any action shots?

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HAIRYFACE,i bred vixens father which is remus's 1/2 brother a dog called rio a very good bull greyhound,i got her(vixen) off a mate out of same village,he kept her brother.

KING the most i've had in a night is eight that was with 4 dogs but only running 2 at a time,the 2 dogs i ran last night were remus who will be 3 in april and vixen who is 17 months old.

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remus will catch you a bag of rabbits mate and he retrieves them as well but its very rare i do any rabbiting to be honest mate,the bitch i have'nt long had her so i've only had a couple with her but she's a great retriever this is her carrying one back over a gate.

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