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bushing dog

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right i have a bushing dog here that to be honest wont get fairplay with me i keep terriers for digging ive tried the dog as a digging dog and he just havent got what it takes not that i expected him to make anything. the dog will bush rabbits and have bolted foxes from cover has a very good nose on him with plenty of work he will turn out a excellant dog at the job i dont want to get rid of him as hes a nice dog but its only fair that the dog gets fair play as i said above the dog will only be a bushing or ratting dog not a digging dog the dog is stock broken has been kept in a kennel from the day he come here hes just over 2 year old you wont hear a noise out of him he has a very good recall fine with other dogs etc not much more i can say about the dog im not a dealer i dont usually pass dogs on but this is a exeption i have passed one dg on in my life that was a 6 month old pup and from what ive heard off the lad hes over the moon with the dog pm me for more details or pics


im in south wales


cheers :victory:

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right i have a bushing dog here that to be honest wont get fairplay with me i keep terriers for digging ive tried the dog as a digging dog and he just havent got what it takes not that i expected him to make anything. the dog will bush rabbits and have bolted foxes from cover has a very good nose on him with plenty of work he will turn out a excellant dog at the job i dont want to get rid of him as hes a nice dog but its only fair that the dog gets fair play as i said above the dog will only be a bushing or ratting dog not a digging dog the dog is stock broken has been kept in a kennel from the day he come here hes just over 2 year old you wont hear a noise out of him he has a very good recall fine with other dogs etc not much more i can say about the dog im not a dealer i dont usually pass dogs on but this is a exeption i have passed one dg on in my life that was a 6 month old pup and from what ive heard off the lad hes over the moon with the dog pm me for more details or pics


im in south wales


cheers :victory:

get sum pics :notworthy:

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i have plenty of pics if your intreasted pm me and i will send them on i dont want no time wasters


forgot to mention the dogs is a lakeland/russel white broken coated dog strong and up on the leg

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Guest bitsa lurcher
is this dog the white one i saw last time as was at your place rio ????



yeah thats him mate



if memory serves me right he is a big strong looking terrier , ideal for bushing . :clapper:

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Guest bitsa lurcher

thats the one rio , pity he did'nt make the grade below ground ............. good luck with finding him a new home , i'll ask a few of the boys around my neck off the woods :victory:

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