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looks like hancock it is

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why do people buy hancock dogs??? cause they dont know any better and they aint got no mates that work lurchers to get a real working lurchers off,let me out people got things to do,less iv the old chick,argue with you later. no hard feelings.that was fun,!! :clapper::victory:


So why did you buy one then? I'm gonna go out on a limb here ooty I'm guessing your 12 - 13yr old and your mum's just told you to get of the com time for bed

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i was bort one,was a f*****g shitter.shes my ex now though,she was middle class !! given?? my point exactly,must ov needed a good home? :whistling: this is the home it should of had :gunsmilie: even i cant save em all :big_boss:

Edited by ooty
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:wallbash: Seriously ooty you are a grade A f*ckwit.Were you also a stunt double in DELIVERANCE?I bet you do a mean dance to a banjo tune.And as for all hancock owners being middle class you could not be more wrong i am FAR from middle class and before you spit your dummy out AGAIN!!!My own hancock bitch has worked all quarry and excelled at most.Whatever your prejudices are against hancock they do not mean that you are right.
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:wallbash: Seriously ooty you are a grade A f*ckwit.Were you also a stunt double in DELIVERANCE?I bet you do a mean dance to a banjo tune.And as for all hancock owners being middle class you could not be more wrong i am FAR from middle class and before you spit your dummy out AGAIN!!!My own hancock bitch has worked all quarry and excelled at most.Whatever your prejudices are against hancock they do not mean that you are right.
no but least i never got f****d for £200 by hancock ey :whistling: never once said they where all shit, :victory:
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Guest smashygadge
:wallbash: Seriously ooty you are a grade A f*ckwit.Were you also a stunt double in DELIVERANCE?I bet you do a mean dance to a banjo tune.And as for all hancock owners being middle class you could not be more wrong i am FAR from middle class and before you spit your dummy out AGAIN!!!My own hancock bitch has worked all quarry and excelled at most.Whatever your prejudices are against hancock they do not mean that you are right.
no but least i never got f****d for £200 by hancock ey :whistling: never once said they where all shit, :victory:




what are your dogs priced at 175 125 100 what most cross breeds are 150 plus nowadays so 200 aint no bad price is it .

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:wallbash: There you go again Big red BLUSTERER told you before on a thread PUT UP OR SHUT UP my dog against yours any quarry and we will see.And ooty i dont consider paying 200 pound for a pup that after i put the time,effort and training into it turns into a cracking worker being done over do you?
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:wallbash: There you go again Big red BLUSTERER told you before on a thread PUT UP OR SHUT UP my dog against yours any quarry and we will see.And ooty i dont consider paying 200 pound for a pup that after i put the time,effort and training into it turns into a cracking worker being done over do you?
not if it works no :victory: ,
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My cousin had one years ago,cant remember if he paod £80 or £120 for his?
there all 200 now regardless ov them being the pick ov the litter or the shit ov the litter,nobody understands me though, :victory:
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Guest smashygadge
why ?? do you want to buy one??sell your hancock and get yourself a proper dog for £150 out ov workers any trials given,cant say fairer than that can i ??? :thumbs:



id never give my half hancock away ofwhich was given to me not due to it needing a good home.because i no my breeding mate.and helped the guy out.it has a very good home also. and works day in day out 100% for me and i wouldnt trade him for nothing espeicailly not one of yours how many men on here have your dogs?.their must be loads at 3 litters a year.the only way my dog will leave my side will be in a doggy bag i dont pass dogs on :victory:

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YAY!!!! Note to Smashy: We have reached 10 pages :clapper::toast:


Cheers MacOoty without your illegible posts this may not have been possible...


Take a bow!



























You can stand up again now Ooty....or are you waiting for that rampant rabbit? :tongue2:

il try anything once babe :kiss:
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Guest smashygadge
YAY!!!! Note to Smashy: We have reached 10 pages :clapper::toast:


Cheers MacOoty without your illegible posts this may not have been possible...


Take a bow!



























You can stand up again now Ooty....or are you waiting for that rampant rabbit? :tongue2:


yes natski i new we would as i said now i will wake up .was that my wak up call lol :clapper:

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YAY!!!! Note to Smashy: We have reached 10 pages :clapper::toast:


Cheers MacOoty without your illegible posts this may not have been possible...


Take a bow!



























You can stand up again now Ooty....or are you waiting for that rampant rabbit? :tongue2:

il try anything once babe :kiss:



Yeah noticed that especially with your dogs thought you were going out with your super dogs yet here you are still here....deff a messer! :hmm::hmm: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: methinks

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