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Kevin needs your Help!!!

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Ok, peeps. tonights quandry is with Kevin. You haven't met Kevin before, hes a 2 year old poley that was auditioning for the role of companion for my big Sandy hob' (Bubble). He is losing his home (currently with one of my employees) due to lack of time. Now Kevin isn't the sharpest tool in the box but he's cute, and good natured with us humans. He gets on fine with my Girls (other poleys) but from the minute he met Bubble, it was evident that Bubble wasn't impressed. In fact he was so unimpressed he tried to rip kevin apart. Now everytime Bubble comes near Kevin, he squeels before Bubble even touches him. However because he's cute, (even though the wife thinks he's a poof), he has a second chance.

so heres the options. Help decide kevins fate.

1) Kevin gets built he's own cage and gets to stay, is vacestomised and gets to spend his life, acting the big man, shooting blanks in to two lovely lady poleys to earn his keep.

2)Kev goes home to his old house and awaits alternative accomodation.

3) We keep trying Bubble with Kevin to see if Bubble will tolerate him, and eventually like him and even let him live unscathed.


To add background to the dilema, bubble is the wife's favourite, and what Bubble wants, Bubble gets. Bubble currently does not get on with the lady poleys.... He was about to get vacectomised????

Kevin is not a hunter, everyone else is/or will be...


So what is it to be???

Matt :hmm:

Edited by mattydski
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Get him vasectmised Bubble will be all over him like a cheap suit when she is in season & ready for him, then leave him with the jills , if he is a dozy hob chances are he will just serve them & then leave them alone, i kept a v hob with entire jills & castrates for years, no problems , if he is at them all the time just remove him, sorted :thumbs:

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Get him vasectmised Bubble will be all over him like a cheap suit when she is in season & ready for him, then leave him with the jills , if he is a dozy hob chances are he will just serve them & then leave them alone, i kept a v hob with entire jills & castrates for years, no problems , if he is at them all the time just remove him, sorted :thumbs:


sorry Kay, my post doesnt read well.

Bubble= complete Male, currently not socialising with any other ferrets. worker and fav pet.Lost his brother/playmate 2 months ago

Kevin-guesting in the spare accomodation, weekling, complete hob, likes the lady's

Jess and Tess- complete girls, not yet in first season-need a man!!(soon) bubble makes war, not luvvvvvv


Still go with your advice?



Edited by mattydski
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just to add to the mix, Bubble is the biggest, meanest MF.. you are ever going to meet. Luv him to bits though, great with the kids..


Tricky one i going to have the same prob myself in a few weeks when the hobs get access to the jills and court.The last time my old poley hob got close to the other hob latched on to his face.I'm hoping it wil come good.The old poley is a docile lad and he would never bite but wow he certainly went for the kill that time :icon_eek:

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Ladies and Gentlman,








Kevins doing just fine in the guest accomodation. Hope to have his own accomodation sorted by tuesday.


Thats me up to 4 ferts now...


I put another load of brer in the freezer today, but it aint going to touch the sides. Guess i have to go shooting again tomorrow.. :whistling:




Wont be long before they can earn their own keep... :yes:

Edited by mattydski
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