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My 5/8 bully bitch appears to be in the early stages of a phantom pregnancy, is the only option vets treatment or are there other things that can be done to help her ? . She is five years old and i was planning to put a 3/4 bully over her when she is next in season, her last season was aprox four months ago.

Any help very greatfully recived.

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Fast for 2 days, no food or tit bits at all, this is easier if your dog is used to at least 1 fast day a week, if not be ready for the very sad eyes.............


I know people have used other methods but this is the only one I have used so recommend to others............ it has worked every time to my knowledge.


Exercise as normal as long as that means the dog cant scavenge.

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My 5/8 bully bitch appears to be in the early stages of a phantom pregnancy, is the only option vets treatment or are there other things that can be done to help her ? . She is five years old and i was planning to put a 3/4 bully over her when she is next in season, her last season was aprox four months ago.

Any help very greatfully recived.


If her season was 4m ago its unlikely that its a false pregnancy..false pregnancies are generally seen when the dog would be ready to deliver pups..ie about 63days after the season. Watch out for any pussy discharge from her vulva..if she has milk/behavioural problems then Galastop is the best thing to put paid to all the symptoms. You may be able to just get a prescription from your vet and buy Galastop from an on-line pharmacy.


Dont take any chances with your bitch if she begins drinking lots of has any type of abnormal discharge, a pyo can kill them in 24hrs.

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