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International Hunting Locations and Species?

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Try safari-club international,they will be able to give you a list of worldwide species :victory: If you start doing snow leopard in the Pamirs or bowhunting the Kamchatka brown bears gimmee a shout ;)

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Thanks folks, SCI would seem to be the natural place to look - I'll email them as I'm a member!


Bow-hunting isn't really me - nothing against it, I just love guns!


Snow leopard - if they are anything like the leopard I've hunted, the combination of an elusive, dangerous, beligerant, aggressive cat and extreme cold - well, I think I'll pass on that too thanks all the same - lol


Edit - I just read this back and realised that without noticing I've become a real soft lot these days - must be an age thing!


Cheers guys!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all, a while back I posted this question asking about game species and it's availability - I also posted the same question on hunting sites around the world and found that there wasn't a single point of reference for what I was after - so.....


Please would you guys take a look at www.SafariSearchEngine.com - I had some spare time and an active interest and what I was hoping to create was a single website that contained the details of every huntable species around the world together with information and photo's of it, not to mention the locations where they could be hunted and details of the outfitters that could take me there to hunt them.


This is the first draft of it and it's a long way from being finished, but the species and location searches work well enough and I'd love for you guys to let me know what you think of it?


I'll be adding a resources section shortly which will certainly contain links back to this website, as my existing network of outfitter sites already do.


Not bad for a first attempt though, but please let me know what you think!





The Hunting Agency

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