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how long will frozen boiled rabbit last

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Guest bigredbusa

we are going to start eating rabbit over chicken now as we eat a lot of curries , now im going to get a big old boiling pot so i can do a few at a time and pick the meat off the bone .


question : once picked off the bone , is it ok to freeze and roughly how long would it last ?



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Why not just make the curry up from scratch with the raw meat BRB?..........it will take on a better flavour.


Then freeze that.


Thia red curry with a few prawns to sweeten is VERY nice with rabbit :victory:

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I've a great big pan that I can get 18 rabbits in, I set it off in the morning on the rayburn then take it off at tea time, then when cool I pick the meat off and freeze it, then you can use it for allsorts, plus it takes up less room in the freezer.

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Why not just make the curry up from scratch with the raw meat BRB?..........it will take on a better flavour.


Then freeze that.


Thia red curry with a few prawns to sweeten is VERY nice with rabbit :victory:

Thats what we do wilf ,spice seems to taste stronger too.

Thats what i was saying in my post really, much better and easier.

all the best

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why not just butcher the rabbits and freeze the different cuts raw - so you cook it raw and cook it once, it'll work better as you'll get less tied of the same taste / texture of meat that'll you'll get if you "boil the bunnies"... plush you can still boil up the stripped carcasses with a few onions , carrots, spuds and celery to make a great white meat / veg stock that you can freeze in beakers for easy use :) just my two bobs worth anyway :)

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Guest bigredbusa

we have been eating it like that but the meat is a lot more tender if boiled first . plus after seeing some of them tapeworm cysts lately i think i want to boil for 2 hours lol

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I've a great big pan that I can get 18 rabbits in, I set it off in the morning on the rayburn then take it off at tea time, then when cool I pick the meat off and freeze it, then you can use it for allsorts, plus it takes up less room in the freezer.


The thing with me is that I'm a stew and pie man, I don't like currys or owt like that so this method suits me.

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