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tail docking law what's that about!!!

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Just wandered what yah all think to this bulls*#t, as im sure your all aware tail docking has been banned in scotland, so having being born and raised there was a little axious about my pups which where on the way and how to beat the ban, as it so happens a few weeks before pups came i got a keeper job in Suffolk so a bonus... could get the tails docked perfectly legaly....or so i thought, looking to abide by the law for a change i thought i'll just ring the vets when there born and arrange to get them legally docked, WELL none of the vets that i called where happy to do it!!!! So whats the FFFFing deal they make it illegal to do it yourself then HARDLY any vet ill touch em! Man i hate the air headed eejit who decided all this would be a good idea! I read in the paper that it cuases pain and distress to young puppies, well there you go put pain, distress and puppy in to the same sentence and you have got the clueless public up in arms, yet it is still fine to mutilate a dog by chopping his balls off!!! BRITAIN HAS GONE MAD!!! :censored::wallbash:

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Guest blackntan

but if your a muslim it is ok to slit a beasts throat wilst still alive, 15 years ago youl would have never seen a three legged dog, but these days vets will aputate a dogs legs after a accident why insurance thats why vets are two faced robbing barsteawards , we had the head vet of a university judging a while ago he was pro docking but said the people behind the ban lobby parliment more than the pro docking do, answer take your custom some were were they will dock , and compile a list who will and a list who wont and all people who hunt shoot a fish black these vets hit them in the pocket,

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Just wandered what yah all think to this bulls*#t, as im sure your all aware tail docking has been banned in scotland, so having being born and raised there was a little axious about my pups which where on the way and how to beat the ban, as it so happens a few weeks before pups came i got a keeper job in Suffolk so a bonus... could get the tails docked perfectly legaly....or so i thought, looking to abide by the law for a change i thought i'll just ring the vets when there born and arrange to get them legally docked, WELL none of the vets that i called where happy to do it!!!! So whats the FFFFing deal they make it illegal to do it yourself then HARDLY any vet ill touch em! Man i hate the air headed eejit who decided all this would be a good idea! I read in the paper that it cuases pain and distress to young puppies, well there you go put pain, distress and puppy in to the same sentence and you have got the clueless public up in arms, yet it is still fine to mutilate a dog by chopping his balls off!!! BRITAIN HAS GONE MAD!!! :censored::wallbash:

There are some vets in Suffolk who dock.

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