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Any advice on creating a wormery? to breed Lob worms. £2.10 for 10 in local tackle shop mind they were a good size.



You will have great difficulty breeding Lob worms...as has been said above damp night and a torch will produce what you need :thumbs: .

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There is only ONE way to get quality, healthy worms....


After rain, find a "wormey" spot, put a fork in the ground and wiggle it forwards and backwards.....worms will sprint out of the soil. I had to do this for a living for a while, works every time!!

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Guest Eamon.Mc

Mr Darcey's right, wet night and torch. I prefer to keep mine in damp moss though with a good bit of sand mixed through, I find it helps toughen them up a bit. Fairy liquid kills them after a few days.

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Forget rain,you can actually get worms out of the ground with electricity if you know how,as many as you need :yes:;)


:icon_eek: Like off godzilla.???

I wouldnt know Ste,I never actually watch movies like that :whistling: Nor have I ever watched the "My little pony" movie or even any of the Ninja-turtle films,ignorance is bliss i guess :clapper:

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At my old flat i used to have a 4 foot fish tank filled with compost and soil and the worms used to breed like mad in it, but even when the trout fishing season ended i had to keep checking in it for dead worms as once a worm dies any others that come in contact with it dies

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