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My dog is 6 and has been kept on good diet with plenty conditioning before running hard. the inside toe on the front foot has gonr straight as thogh their is no ligament their he walks and runs ok but only just starting to work him slightly as of yet and am worried for when the season kicks in. hes ran a few rabbits in good style but showed slight lameness after dont know whether it was stiffness or the toe affecting the leg. any info or advice please. what about amputation?

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Yes, it sounds as thought the ligaments have ruptured. Not usually a problem in a hind foot, and not usually too much of a problem if its one of the middle toes in the front foot: the problems occur when its and inside or outside toe: they take all the wear and strain when cornering. The problem is that if you have the toe taken off there will be even less to stabilise the dog when it's cornering that side, and this can lead to shoulder problems. Had it with one of ours. She still caught and ran well on the straight, but she did do lame and arthritis set in after a year.


Sorry to say that the outlook isn't great whatever you do. Try massaging that leg and shoulder with a good embrocation before and after running the dog, don't run it on hard ground and see how you go. IMO taking the toe off is a last resort.

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[quote name='skycat'


Thanks. I thought as much. suppose he,l be ok for hunting work and mooching about if not out and out coursing although more rest or less work is going to be the norm :unsure: I was thinking about taking the claw right off? Is their any support i can put on? You say its the shoulder where the injury will carry so i,l pay plenty attention to that and see what the season brings. will he not be able to turn if the toe comes off then?

Thanks again if he doesnt give me 1 more good day then hes already give me enough so... fire side retirement home and pup ads for me possibly then eh!!!

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