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HELP!!! Trouble with the honeymoon.

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I'll be getting Married on the 16th of August and had 2 weeks booked off work for the Honeymoon BUT... we phoned the Passport office to find out where the hell Lisa's passport had got to and they told us they hadn't even started processing it as their waiting to interview her (all first time passport applicants must be interviewed now apparently?) so as you can guess BIG PROBLEM!!! Tuscany is off and I need to sort something in this country quickly!


So the big question is WHERE/WHAT??? I'm after something exciting, dramatic or adventurous you know the type of thing! I've been saving up for a couple of years for this so want it to be something special (with no need for a passport)! but I haven't got any idea's? and on top of it all I've only got a week to find and book it! Camping, Horse Trekking, Hiking, Canoing or Sailing ANY activity/area any ideas would be appreciated!



Thank you for any responses!



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Thanks for replies, Mackem I tried that! they won't issue anything until they've done the interview and they won't do the interview until they've done a security check! I even tried explaining that I've got full MOD S.C.+ clearance (because of work) so she would of had a full check due to us living together, but still nothing!!!

I'll give it a look, thanks Maltenby.

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We spent our honeymoon in a beautiful cottage in the village of Belstone in North Dartmoor. It was called Birchy Lake and can be booked through Toad Hall Cottages. There are lots available all over the West Country and many allow dogs too. :thumbs:

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I would go for the castle honeymoon mate, very romantic and all that, there are plenty out there and then check out the local attractions etc. Obviously depends what sort of money your prepared to pay though too.


Try here!


Edit : Seems me and Irish Lurcher have the same sort of idea, you only need photo ID to get into Eire I might add though and Eire is a beautiful place.

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Firstly all the best for couple of weeks time!


Have you ever been to scotland? I live in cornwall where they all profess it to be gods own, but after going up to scotland a few years back, Well it is amazing. there is a lovely (but basic) B&B at the bottom of ben nevis that was great. did the walk up the hill which was a memory in itself!! Loch ness and the whole area is wonderful. Oh and dont forgett glen coe! absoloutely stunning, think there is accomodation there other than just camp sites.

From what you said money is no issue, however I know that on our honeymoon we took a very expensive train journey in thailand, but to be honest in retrospect we would have rather done it via the locals train and absorbed a lot more of the atmosphere!


Gav suggested Thornbury castle. I went to a wedding a thornbury castle once, now that was a very nice place. Not too far away for you but plenty of things to do in the area.


One other suggestion seeing as you are down this way is a holiday over to the silly isles? You can travel by helicopter - (cost about £100) i think, would maybe give you the feeling of getting away??


Ok so neither will guarentee good weather but look on the bright side, Deli belly should also not be an issue!!

Oh and dont forgett to mention where ever you book that you are on your honeymoon, they will probably upgrade your room or do you something extra special to celebrate!!


BUT above all where ever you end up Have a really great time!

Edited by FPO
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  FPO said:
Oh and dont forgett to mention where ever you book that you are on your honeymoon, they will probably upgrade your room or do you something extra special to celebrate!!


Good bit of advice there mate :good:

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Guest john the baptist

Apparantly all new passport applications have to have the interview. My missus had the interview last week. The passport came 3 days later, so they processed hers before she had the interview. As long as there's nothing wrong with the countersignature on the passport i can't see the problem. Try ringing them again and explain the situation, see if they can get their fingers out. Good luck with the wedding and i hope you get things sorted quickly. Regards, John

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