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Lucky or what ?

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It's a completey different scenario over there Irish Pup.

A lot of their game is raised to be shot (I suppose a bit like our beef) and if they weren't raised like this would be exctinct in many areas. It costs 1000s to shoot trophys and the money goes back into poacher patrols, education and the buying of game of game farms.

I too don't agree with shooting an animal so I can have it's head on my wall but even some of the anti's are starting to agree that without the big ego's there'd be no animals to hunt.

I used to butcher venison for a wealthy man over here who used to go big game hunting. He told me that as they'd be stalking in the bush a few hundred yards behind him there'd be a group of locals. When he took his shot and removed the trophy (and maybe the liver for breakfast) the locals would take the meat for themselves.

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What a bunch of wank.rs, but like neil said above if this was not done the majority of the wildlife would be extinct & thats not half of Africas problems as millions of kids die every year from crap like the flu just becuase they cant afford vaccinations.


Did anyone see the Loiue Theroix documentary ( i know i spelt that wrong ) it was on a couple of months ago & it was about exactly this & he spoke to farmers & these fake hunters & one farmer said " Africa is f****d" and you could see the tear in his eye ( i felt quite sorry for him )


Wan.kers though & they are just disgusting as this is not hunting & they are paying thousands to do it... pricks shame the lion did not kill em

Edited by richard25
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the point is that if you want to do that fine. but do it properly. a lion is a natural predator and if it fights back good on it. i mean would you stand around getting fired at? I see no problem with it aslong as the people know what they are doing and dont do it like that. if its done like in the second vid then good on them

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  • 2 weeks later...
thats just so wrong hunting lions . i wish that lion killed them all that woulder been a better video to watch

Some pretty ugly and large egos out there (here-not in the clip) !

Maybe they should reserve thir comments untill they know something about the topic or situation. I am from Africa and have a friend that used to be the owner of a run-down sheep and goat farm. It could only support himself and his family and 2 farm worker families.

He now has a farm FULL of wild game and about 7 families earn their living in a poor and deprived country(whose produce cannot compete with 1st world countries as they subsidise their farmers).

Yes,sometimes it is not exactly ethical wild hunting due to the limitations of the hunter,but the bills need to be payed and money CAN be used ethically.

So-dont be naive !

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I dont see the point of killing a LION, coz who will eat cat meat???

And if it is for FUN, then why do they kill the lions when the lion kill the ppl, coz i dont think a lion will eat human meat, so it must be fun for the lions to kill ppl..


I dont kill a animal if i dont eat it...

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