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I'm about to apply for my FAC for a .22 r/fire and a .243. The owners of my permissions are both happy to support my application for rabbits, foxes, munties and roe.


I was interested in doing DSC1 anyway, but my shooting instructor (I've been taking rifle shooting lessons ahead of applying) said many police forces are now making it almost compulsory to pass or at least have proof of being booked on DSC1 before considering a FAC application seriously. It's not a requirement but I gather they delay and delay if you don't sign up for one and may even delay the granting of a FAC uintil you've passed.


Has anyone else had this experience?

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Unfortunately you are correct in many respects, they do seem to be asking for the DSC to be completed before they will grant you Deer on your FAC.


But they have also been asked to accept "Informal Training" as a good enough reason for a Deer rifle, i.e a mentor, by the Home Office' Firearms Liason Committee.


This has happened with at least one member on here instead of him having to do the DSC.


If you have someone in mind then all the better. If not then you may struggle if you cant do the DSC.


There are far more experienced Deer Boys on here than me though.



SS :thumbs:

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Seems like it is almost impossible to get deer on the FAC without a Mentor or DSC these days.


You have a chance for just CWD and Muntjac on smaller calibres, but even after experience with these, it seems many Police regions still want Mentor/DSC if you want to move up calibre and deer!

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If you are in BASC or similar can you not get their help as I'm sure they have days that they can sell for deer stalking, accompanied with a qualified stalker, would this mean that you would not need a DSC1?








Not 100% sure, but most of the BASC land is on FC. Certainly on Arran, DSC1 is mandatory. I'm pretty sure that the lake district is also compulsory (I did my DSC with Lorrie who runs it at Greenlea) not sure about thetford.



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Surely not a bad thing to do DSC1 anyway??? I'm going to do it before i even bother applying for .243.


It certainly helps open doors when asking for permissions, even when asking for rabbit, fox, pigeon, etc. When the landowner knows what it is that is....

It has suffered a lot of criticism in my area, because of the amount of full time stalkers, who feel they should be categorised under Granfather rights etc. But i actually enjoyed doing it. I can recommend Greenlea in Northumberland(run by Jon Snowden, help by Laurie Walton) Good weekend!!


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Thanks for all your replies. I'm very happy to do DSC1 and am rather looking forward to it. Trouble is I'm just changing job and probably can't do it before November or possibly even January.


That of course means a big delay in getting my FAC. Have had a series of shooting lessons on .243 (which have gone v well) and have a former police firearms trainer as one of my references. So I hope they might hand it out on proof of a booking on DSC.


Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Ha, ha - neither of those. this one is an ex=para who has been in armed response units, royal bodyguard squad and then training police marksmen for the Met, also worked for the UN training close protection units in East Timor. Now a buildings inspector after retiring. Don't put up that extension or else!!!!!!!!


Off to my gun dealer this morning who said he'll help me fill in the application - have agreement from owners of three farms (which have already been okayed for shooting by the local firearms officer) and two good, reliable referees. So I'll apply for a DSC1 place, get a new gun cabinet and ammo safe and keep my fingers crossed.

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I have found that if possible, cultivating a good relationship with your firearms licensing dept is very helpful. However, that can vary from one Police force to the next. Perhaps I am just lucky that I have a good local Firearms Licensing dept!


When I applied for my .243 variation to my FAC a couple of years ago, I provided as much supporting information as possible, to show that I am a responsible shooter, eg:


1 Confirmation of booking for DSC1 (I had already decided that i wanted to do the course, and I'm very glad I did - I learned a huge amount).


2. A report on a 'Deer Rifle Experience Session' written up by a friend who was kind enough to bring some of his deer legal rifles to the farm where I shoot, and we set up some targets, talked about safe lines of fire, firearm safety etc, all of which was noted on the report (I have also done this for other people applying for their first FAC).


3. List of training aids (Deer Quest) and books on Deer stalking that I had purchased and was reading.


4. Confimration of a booking to stalk with a professional stalker.


5. Request that the FAC was issued before my DSC!, so that I had time to zero it, and practice to become fully familiar with it before the DSC shooting test.


FAC came back less than 2 weeks later with the .243 added, no restrictions other than cleared land, and no other questions asked.


I quickly sent off a 'Thank you' letter to the head of Firearms Licensing for their prompt turnaround. May be licking their proverbial, but next time I want a variation, I'm fairly confident that they will look favourably on it (and I have just posted nmy sgc application, so we'll see if it works!).


Good luck, let us know how you get on.



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